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Frank Ocean Releases Visual Album “Endless” Exclusively on Apple Music


iPadForums News Team
Endless Frank Ocean out now exclusively on Apple Music.webp

Frank Ocean may still not have released his long-awaited “Boys Don’t Cry” album, but he has just surprised fans with a new visual album, “Endless,” which is available exclusively on Apple Music, writes 9to5 Mac.

Speaking to Pitchfork, an Apple Music spokesperson said that the release of “Endless” is just the beginning in terms of all the Frank Ocean content that will be arriving on Apple Music very soon. In fact we might even be getting something else this weekend, with the Apple rep telling Pitchfork “Keep an eye out this weekend for more from Frank.” This may well be the arrival of the full “Boys Don’t Cry” album, although it is thought that Ocean has now changed that name, with the new name not yet revealed.

Getting exclusive rights to Frank Ocean’s new music is a big coup for Apple, which is on a roll this week as far as its Apple Music exclusives are concerned, having also just inked a deal with Cash Money Records, home to the likes of Drake, Lil Wayne, and Nicki Minaj, to make an Apple-Music-exclusive documentary about the label.

Source: Frank Ocean releases new visual album ‘Endless’ exclusively on Apple Music, more content to come

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