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Former Apple hater, now a lover...


iPF Novice
Jun 9, 2010
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Okay, so I'm not going to lie. Prior to deciding to get the iPad, I was against everything Apple.

Then on a whim, I decided to take a closer look at an iPad, I was hoping to get some sort of netbookish device, and once I laid my hands on it, I was sold.

I'm now an Apple junkie. It's like my eyes have been opened and as much as the Droid OS might be great, the simplicity and ease of use on the i* devices is very appealing to me.

I look now at my Touch Pro 2 and sit, wishing I'd have just gotten an iPhone because... well, it's boring. Yes it has a hardware keyboard, and that's the one thing that's stopped me from undying love for the iPhone, but it's just not FUN like the i* devices are..

Anyway, that said... I <3 the iPad and I think this is going to be the start of a very long friendship :)
I'm the choir and thank you for preaching to me! :) I couldn't have said how I feel about the i devices better than you just did. Welcome to the forum and keep enjoying your gear, especially your iPad!

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