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Flipboard Twitter feeds?


iPF Noob
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, CA
I am intrigued by the free app Flipboard, which takes your Facebook and twitter contacts and then arranges any web articles related to those contacts in a magazine format.

Flipboard for iPad gives Facebook, Twitter a magazine-style makeover | iPad Atlas - CNET Reviews

Flipboard Launches as the iPad’s Social Media Magazine

My problem is that I don't use my Facebook or Twitter accounts so my contacts are empty.

Do you guys have any websites that you follow on Twitter that feed regular articles?

Some that I am linking to currently:

Engadget -- tech
Gizmodo -- tech
TUAW -- Apple
Joystiq -- Video Games
Massively -- PC Games
Hmm been using this app since it came out and I'm getting increasingly frustrated with it.
Potential is good but in use it's a mess.

Frankly RSS readers like Pulse and Reeder handle these sites much better without all the rubbish you have to skip past.
I agree with Hasty. I think it is a great concept that may change how ipad is viewed. But I would rather just use my rss reader and my twitter feed
And what's more that flipping of pages is awkwardly implemented. Sometimes it flips, sometimes it tries and goes back to sleep, sometimes it opens up an irrelevant article, and sometimes I close it in disgust.

Gosh that's better........
Did I tell you how I feel?

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