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File sharing

I'm in Tesco now, and this worked brilliantly - even on wifi. My mac mini is not connected by Ethernet to the router, and I wasn't expecting this to work, but absolutely no problem. Woke it up with mwol, and connected with pocketcloud, which was amazingly simple to set up. Fantastic! I just need to check now whether it will connect after the mac mini has been asleep for aw. while, as I gather sometimes it doesn't like a long sleep. I'll also test after a reboot of the router, but want to make quite certain everything is working well as things are ATM. Will update. I Love this facility though - really handy!
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Update! My previous reply was erroneous I think! I discovered that, by coincidence, someone had woken the mac up at home, just before I tried it In Tesco! However, I now have it sussed. Firstly I hadn't realised that a wifi setup doesn't have the same MAC address and IP address as an Ethernet setup. So I deleted the wi fi set up altogether to begin with, and set up an Ethernet connection. I found the MAC address, and Ip address of that -System preferences /network/Ethernet (that's what I called my Ethernet setup) advanced and the MAC address is in the hardware tab.
Having got those sorted, it works fine now every time. I've even put the wi-fi back on again. I've downloaded PocketCloud and logmein apps to my iPad. I like them both actually - can't decide which I prefer, but they are both great and easy to use.
I just thought this might help anyone else as Mac illiterate as I am, as it took a lot of trying to get mwol to work! But I finally got there!

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