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FaceTime and iMessage have stopped working!!


iPF Noob
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All,

I'm in need of assistance!!

FaceTime and iMessage have stopped working on my iPad. I have recently changed my iTunes account from the UK to Australia and it hasn't worked since. I had contacted Apple prior to changing to check there wouldn't be any problems, and was assured there wouldn't be, well they were wrong. I have tried changing back to the UK iTunes to no avail. I have contacted Apple since the problem has occurred but have now been told I will need to pay for them to check out the fault!!

If anyone can help I would very much appreciate it!!

Few notes: I haven't JB my iPad, it's an iPad 2, 32GB, WIFI only.

Many thanks
Book an appointment with apple store they will fix it or give you. Replacement did with mine when mic failed


Thanks Martin, but I've already tried that.

I'm now living in Australia and I was told that the same rules don't apply (I bought it last summer when I was still living in the UK). I was told that I would have to pay to have the problem assessed, plus any costs for any repairs required.

Thanks again
I'm sure if you moan enough and keep phoning apple say you bought an iPad because you thought it would work anywhere ie apple is would wide then they would book you an appointment and then you'd get a new iPad

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