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Exact Viewable Screen Size


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
So has anyone actually been able to find the Viewable Image Dimensions? I am try to compare the size to another product.

I converted the pixel dimensions (1024x768) to 9.56" x 7.47", but don't quote me, I'm old and feeble :D

I cut out a piece of paper to those dimensions and it looks correct. I stare at my 'paper screen' in anticipation of April third - IM

PS - I've already started formatting photographs for the iPad, hope I'm right....
Math is fun....

You are right about 7.76 x 5.82 because you can find the Diagonal measurement by using the Pythagorian Theorem to solve for the 3rd side of a right triangle and it equals 9.7 inches.:ipad-front::)
No need to format pictures for it anyway - iTunes is going to "optimize" them for you when you sync anyway.
This article shows how to tell iTunes to NOT do that, FYI:
Mac Tips and Tricks - Articles
Huh? That is for an iPod. There is no such option in iTunes for the iPad.

Moreover, why the heck is THIS thread being revived.... ;)


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