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Ellie's back with a quest.


iPF Noob
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
Murrells Inlet, SC
First let me say what fun I am having. ;) I want to know if you very astute computer geniuses could advise me on mobile me. I am using free trial and find it a little confusing. I finally figured how to upload into cloud from other computer. I have stuff in disk but can I move them to my I pad. does that make sense. Don't know if I will keep or not. :confused:
Yes! Theres a free app in the Appstore called iDisk which will give you more access to your cloud and the files you backup/upload to it!

I def love MobileMe, more so for the iphone so far than the pad. It feels safe to know that all bookmarks and phonenumbers are backed up so wont lose them in case of of hard drive crash or stolen/lost/broken phone!
I was too tired yesterday after the campout to give it a good decent testrun
for all its abilities! Im gonna give a run for its buck today and write a thorough
review of what it can do, including the MobileMe connection! :)

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