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Dropped, dented and sleep/wake barely works.


iPF Noob
....I just dropped my new 3G 64g on concrete. Fell out of the top of the eco vue case it lives in.

Dented (compressed) the corner and the sleep/wake button barely works. Any recommendations? Should i have it fixed and if so by whom and how much will it cost? Should i sell the slightly broken one and buy another? I specifically asked at the apple store if I could buy accidental coverage and they said no! Wah! I live in San Francisco area, so if you know a local repair place that would be great too!
What a bummer! I am so sorry, but how come it just fell out of that case? Don't you have to secure it in or something?
Depending on what you mean by "sleep/wake button barely works" I would just keep it. I have no idea what repairs would cost, but no doubt it would not be cheap. If it does function, then just use it a few years and sell it, I would wager you would come out ahead. If you do get it repaired, you might want to insure it. I don't, and I never do and have come out WAY ahead over the years......

Apple does not sell damage insurance, but 3rd party companies do. I think the going rate at this point is about $100 for 2 years.

Here is a link to the most popular insurance http://www.squaretrade.com/pages/ipad-landing
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I would have no idea of how much the repair would be. But if you could sell your iPad for spares (just a thought) and but a new one.

Hope you get it sorted soon.
Talk to iresq.com to see how much they want to repair. Since it's still new, Apple Care will offer to replace the unit for a discounted price. So, be sure to call Apple Care and compare the numbers.

SquareTrade.com sounds like a great policy especially since the price INCLUDES the extended Apple Care warranty along with the accidental drop/spill coverage (about $40 over the Apple Care price).

I'm thinking about seriously getting SquareTrade for the iPad that my 21 month son is using regularly. It's in a ZooGue case 24/7, but just want a little extra policy in case he throws it off the balcony... :P

Sorry to hear about your accident.

Thats what turned me off with the eco vue case. With it closed for carrying, it can come out. With other cases like the Apple or Incase, with it closed it is securely in the case and cant slide out unless opened up.

What a bummer! I am so sorry, but how come it just fell out of that case? Don't you have to secure it in or something?
From the video I saw of this case ... the top strap that secures the iPad in just slides in behind the back of the iPad and the rear of the case. Didn't appear to have any velcro or snap.
check your local car stereo places when i broke my iphone my local car stereo place did apple repairs i wud say no more than 150 dollars check out ifuncity.cm they sell all replacement part for ipad new screens new plactic shells everything u need to fix urself if ur good with a screw driver its not that hard
I don't particularly like the apple case but with use I can see why they designed it the way it is.

Good luck sorting your machine out as there are some good suggestions here.
Okay heres what I would do...

I would keep it.. Then just buy the next gen. of ipad whn it comes out. Get a nice silicone case that covers up the damage. You dont need the sleep/wake button. (Assuming your ipad is jailbroken) If so download SB Settings..You can the ues SBsettings to: Reboot, power off, lock, and put ur ipad into safe mode. I think this will be your best choice. Good luck either way.:D
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Misery Loves Company

:( Same thing happened to me . . . i get off the car and there goes my ipad slipping out of my very unsafe case (Now i know!). The sleep/wake button does not work consistently anymore. Where i am, I don't think it can be repaired.

But what I do now is to just put the Auto Lock at 2 minutes when I want the unit in sleep mode. (At times though, the sleep/wake button works . . . if I am lucky. Then again, I get worried of doing further damage since if I am not lucky enough then the unit keeps turning on and off.)
Try craigslist.. Sometimes there's people that fix screens for iphones and ipad. Im pretty sure you can find one of those guys that migt be able to fix the button too..

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