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Desktop Connect - can view, but can't control


iPF Noob
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm hoping somebody can help me here.

I purchased and installed Desktop Connect for the iPad. I installed the PC software also (Vista 64bit), and UltraVNC.

I can connect no problem using EasyConnect, however, I can only view whatever happens to be on my desktop screen at the time. I can't actually click anything through the iPad.

Am I missing something very obvious here?

By the way, in case anyone suggests it, I have the 'disable inputs' boxes unticked in the VNC admin properties.
I have been fighting with Desktop Connect all day just to get connected and was able to connect a time or two but had the same isue only saw what was on the screen with no control.

The strange thing that I notice about the two paswords is that the deafault is desktop but the two passwords have one more dot then desktop would be. I change them back to desktop and they always seeem to change back to the extra dot when I go back and look. I will try and change the view onlty PW to a longer word and see if that helps if I can even get connected again.
I use Teamviewer. Never once had a problem. Even while running heavily interactive i/o intensive apps. And my pc is a little acer netbook. Works great
Typing this on my iPAD using TeamViewer in win7's message reply box.
It's a free app for personal use.

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