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Data Usage


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
so i know that i am grandfathered in to the Unlimited plan but i was wondering if there was somewhere that shows how much data i am using on my ipad?

like does it show that i have used 1.5gb this month or something (on Cellular Connection Only) i dont care about what i use on wifi...

sorry i tried searching but too much came up.
It's very tricky - you go into "General Settings" and touch "Usage." ;)
And reset it each month at the beginning of your billing cycle if you want month by month and not a running total :)
Genius... just Genius....

well when i get my pad on the 24th i will keep track!

yes. That only shows the data used over a 3g network. there wouldn't be a way to track total data on the ipad until multitasking comes out.

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