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Cydia and iTunes Backup


iPF Novice
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
I tried searching but couldn't find the answer. If you do a iTunes backup on a JB ipad does it backup Cydia and it's apps ?

No, it does not. iTunes only "cares" about Apple and the app store stuff (plus your contacts, e-mails, pictures, etc.). You know, the "stock" stuff... :D

To back up Cydia stuff, you'll have to get a Cydia tweak such as PKGBackup or Appbackup. I have PKGBackup ($7.99, USD) and I can tell you that, to me, it is invaluable - especially if re-jailbreaking on the same iOS (e.g. 5.0.1 to 5.0.1) or for minor tweaks.

Regardless which one you get/use, I wouldn't use a Cydia backup for major upgrades (e.g. iOS 4.x to 5.x). I have an Excel spreadsheet that I use to track my Cydia and when I upgraded from 4.3.3 to 5.0.1, I just used the spreadsheet to go back and get all my tweaks. It was easier, with no worries about incompatible apps. And, BTW, Cydia is like the App Store in that, once you've bought something, it's yours and you can go back and download it whenever.

Hope this helps.


I was hoping that iTunes did not backup the Cydia apps.
how about the "other" content that often showed up at itunes capacity display ? ,, some say thar sometimes jaibreaking contents got saved as "other". .. and when you do back up with itunes that "other" also got followed ?
I have an Excel spreadsheet that I use to track my Cydia and when I upgraded from 4.3.3 to 5.0.1, I just used the spreadsheet to go back and get all my tweaks. It was easier, with no worries about incompatible apps.

can i PLEASE GET A COPY of your spreadsheet:eek:? ONLY ofc if u dont have a problem.

thank you
Does PKGBackup backup only cydia apps? Does it backup AppStore apps and stock apps? Or do we have to use iTunes for stock and AppStore apps and PKGBackup for cydia? Sorry for the silly question, just needed the clarification. Reading over the tutorial now.. Tysm for the help!

can i PLEASE GET A COPY of your spreadsheet:eek:? ONLY ofc if u dont have a problem.

thank you

I don't have a problem with giving you a copy of my Excel sheet, but - you do know it's just my personal record-keeping for my iPad? Its just a two column spreadsheet, what's installed and the description of the tweak. There's nothing special about it...

But, if you want it, you're welcome to it.

Does PKGBackup backup only cydia apps? Does it backup AppStore apps and stock apps? Or do we have to use iTunes for stock and AppStore apps and PKGBackup for cydia? Sorry for the silly question, just needed the clarification. Reading over the tutorial now.. Tysm for the help!

Yes, you cab set up PKGBackup to back up your App Store apps and such. But, as f4780y mentions in that most excellent tutorial, it's a bit redundant, given that iTunes already does a fine job of backing up. Plus, I found out that if you have a lot of App Store apps on your device, it takes a l-o-n-g time to both scan and then back-up the App Store apps. So, I don't do that any more. Of course, YMMV.

Hope this helps.

I don't have a problem with giving you a copy of my Excel sheet, but - you do know it's just my personal record-keeping for my iPad? Its just a two column spreadsheet, what's installed and the description of the tweak. There's nothing special about it...

But, if you want it, you're welcome to it.

although i am not lazy to make my own, but since ur more experienced i wanted see what tweaks u have installed. and da description would be a cherry on top:eek:. so can i have it then?

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