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best method for backing up shsh blobs

I've had my ipad 2 for about 6 months and a few months ago i JB it. I never really thought about backing anything up. After i installed Cydia, i ran a backup from itunes. Does itunes save the blobs? If so, where is it located? i want to make sure its in a safe location. i'm running win7 for my pc.

I see TinyUmbrella tutorial, is that the best way to back it up? I see iFaith as well for backups, seems easier. When i open up Cydia, at the top it says SHSH 4.3.3, 4.3.5. did i read correctly that Cydia backs up my blobs? if something happens to my ipad, how do it get my backups from Cydia?

thanks to anyone that can answer my questions.. i'm a n00b and just want to make sure i cover myself incase something gets messed up on my 4.3.3. :)
Definitely read the links Tim gave you, then follow this tutorial to save your current blobs - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...01-how-save-your-shsh-blobs-tinyumbrella.html

But note, you are far too late to save blobs for anything useful. If you read the stickies you will understand why. That said, it is never too late to start. You never know how useful 4.3.5 blobs might be to you in the future, although they are pretty useless to you today :)
I see TinyUmbrella tutorial, is that the best way to back it up? I see iFaith as well for backups, seems easier. When i open up Cydia, at the top it says SHSH 4.3.3, 4.3.5. did i read correctly that Cydia backs up my blobs? if something happens to my ipad, how do it get my backups from Cydia?
i think you do have the 4.3.3 shsh on cydia. Run TU to save the blobs in your own PC now!

i ran TU when my ipad was *accidentally* updated to 4.3.5 and realised that cydia has my 4.3.3 blob. was glad that i could downgrade back to 4.3.3 again, thanks to the guides in this site!
My bad. I misread the "a few months ago" bit as a few days ago... The OP may well have 4.3.3 depending on when it was done...
4.3.4 was released on July 15 and the 4.3.3 window closed just after that, so depending on the timing, he may be in luck...

Following the tutorial I linked to will retrieve them all, so he'll soon find out...
^^ i just looked at my itunes backup i did right after i installed Cydia. i did the backup on July 7th @ 4am. There is a ton of files in there, i take it my shsh blob is there?

I'll have to run TU now as another separate backup.

Thanks for the links Tim. and everyone comments as well.
No. iPad backups never contain your SHSH Blobs. If you used TinyUmbrella, your blobs are saved on your PC's disk in a folder you specify. Follow the tutorial and it will download them for you. Make sure you have read the FAQ so you understand what it can and cannot save for you...

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