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Crashed my ipad

Untamed thinness

iPF Noob
Dec 3, 2023
Reaction score
I just crashed my iPad I guess. Using the mark up in photos app.
Let it cool down and continued until I tried to save changes and it crashed again!😂 I don’t know if I should be proud of myself
for crashing my iPad with one finger or not!
I just crashed my iPad I guess. Using the mark up in photos app.
Let it cool down and continued until I tried to save changes and it crashed again!😂 I don’t know if I should be proud of myself
for crashing my iPad with one finger or not!
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) Please provide some clarification: 1) What iPad version do you own and what iOS is installed; 2) By 'crashed' I assume you mean the photos app shut down (vs. dropping the device on the floor); 3) Is this the photos app that comes w/ iOS or another commercial app; and 4) What have you done to prevent this event?

But for starters, 'force close' the photos app (directions HERE) - if not successful, 'restart' your iPad (look HERE) - please post back the answers to my questions and the outcomes of the procedures linked. Dave

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