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Cellular Network Data - measures data use since...?


iPF Noob
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Snohomish WA USA
In Settings > General > Usage, you can see how much 3G data you've moved around. Is that measured since the beginning of your most recent AT&T renewal? Need to determine if we should keep our unlimited service or switch to the 2GB/month version. So far we've used a little over 1.2 GB in a month, if this measures from our last renewal, but w/o streaming Netflix or other vid-type stuff.:confused:
In Settings > General > Usage, you can see how much 3G data you've moved around. Is that measured since the beginning of your most recent AT&T renewal? Need to determine if we should keep our unlimited service or switch to the 2GB/month version. So far we've used a little over 1.2 GB in a month, if this measures from our last renewal, but w/o streaming Netflix or other vid-type stuff.:confused:

Its in total since you have had the iPad. It only clears when you reset it.

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