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Can i use the ipad2 for the internet?


iPF Noob
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
Somerset, England
You'll have to bare with me on this one cos i don't anything about ipads. I'm gunna buy an ipad 2 for my wife and she uses the internet a lot. We use bt home hub to get onto the net at the moment, so can i use
the ipad 2 to get onto the net using the bt home hub? How do i do that?
I have the exact same set up. Your iPad will find the wifi signal from your home hub, then just input the password (when prompted) which should be written on your home hub and everything will be up and running.

The Archangel
Thanks for that. Do you know if the images can be made bigger - my wife is partial sighted.
These options may help, in the Settings App.....

The Archangel


  • image-1845165875.jpg
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I have the exact same set up. Your iPad will find the wifi signal from your home hub, then just input the password (when prompted) which should be written on your home hub and everything will be up and running.

The Archangel
Ummm. I don't quite follow this. I have 2 computers networked and a Linksys Router. I assume that means I have wi-fi, but can't figure out how to get out to the internet. Does it Start from Safari? Could you be kind enough to spell it out for me in baby block steps?
Thanks, Jim
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Ummm. I don't quite follow this. I have 2 computers networked and a Linksys Router. I assume that means I have wi-fi, but can't figure out how to get out to the internet. Does it Start from Safari? Could you be kind enough to spell it out for me in baby block steps?
Thanks, Jim
You may or may not have wifi. Two questions will answer whether or not you have wifi. 1. Is there a cable running from the back of your computers to the router? Is there a small antenna or two sticking out the back of the router. If you answered yes to 1 and no to 2 then you do not have wifi. If you answered no to 1 and yes to 2 then you have wifi.
Assuming you have wifi the iPad will automatically find your wifi connection. If that connection requires a password as most private wifi connections do you will be prompted to enter the password to join the wifi network. Once the password is verified by the network your iPad will be connected. The settings for joining a wifi network can be found by pressing the "settings" icon on the main screen of the iPad. Most public wifi networks do no require a password. Hope this helps
Re: Internet connection

Many thanks for taking your time to repond. It is very much appreciated. However, you did not give me the option of selecting YES to both of your numbers. So, yes I do have a wire going from my computer to the router, and yes, I do have 2 antennas at the back of my Linksys router. If you could tell me how to get out to the internet I will Save and print it out for future referebce because I am sure to forget it.

Happy Easter and Passover!

Is your computer connected to the Internet?If your computer is connected to the internet,but the devices with a wifi connection with the router are receiving the wifi signal but no Internet connection,the problem may lay with the cable connecting the computer with the router.Have you tried a different cable to see if that makes a difference?

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