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Calendar Sync problem


iPF Noob
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
I posted this in Google help forum but no one answered.

If I enter event on google Calendar - shows up twice on iPad, if entered on iPad, does not show up in google calendar

I am doing all the syncing wireless - not through iTunes.

I have followed all the posts:

1. added Microsoft Exchange account on ipad, with m.google.com server (google sync) called "google calendar" account
2. "google calendar" account has mail off, contacts off, calendars on.
3.Under Settitngs, Calendar, have set default Calendar to google calendar.
4. in ipad calendar app have default calendar set to local (not google, but have tried it both ways - no difference).

Please help.


Do you still have the original GMail account set up, and calendars set to sync in it?

All I can think of off the top of my head.
I originally set up a google account with my pop3 email address (not a gmail account). I just set up a gmail account and used that instead of my pop3 email account but the results were the same.

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