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Av composite cables Ipad2


iPF Noob
Feb 27, 2012
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I want to buy the AV composite cables for my Jailbroken Ipad 2 will the Apple ones work on it or will I have to buy after market cables. I want the AV cables so I can use it on an older TV as well as an HD TV. The other question I have is If I buy an aftermarket 6 in 1 camera connection kit with the HDMI slot in it as well as the AV connectors would I be better off buying one of these as there would be HDMI and AV connection for old an new TVs.
So two questions Can someone help me with these please.

A small update to my last post. The os on my Jailbroken Ipad2 is 5.01 I have not updated it to the newest one.
I would get the apple ones.... I have read many comments about the cables breaking very easily
iPad's expensive to break. I'd use apple's. At least if something happens, I can show both to the apple store.

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