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Apple Ipad Class


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Washintgon, MI
Although I think I have done a good job of setting up my Ipad, I am going to the Get to know your Ipad class at the Apple Store this weekend. I will post a review of what they teach if anything new.
Sounds Good! You never know what small tricks and tips you'll pick up from the experts.
Surely they will teach you more tips and know-hows of iPad than you actually get, that's the marketing strategy, as what Microsoft had already done before for promoting Office Word. The more you learnt, the more satisfied you will feel upon the iPad.;)
I did the class earlier this week and lots of the things they showed me were things that i already figured out. That being said i did learn some new things.

The biggest thing i found useful was organizing my bookmarks. I was having trouble with this and thought i might have to do it on my mac then import them on mobile me, but they cleared it up pretty well. Also the calendar app, and photos have some nice functions.

As i said most of it i knew, but would recommend it as it was fun and the few things I picked up made it worthwhile.
Ghuda-I am looking forward to it. I am sure I could do a better job of organizing my bookmarks. When I bought my first mac i took the PC to Mac class. I learned some cool stuff for that one too. I liked it because during that class they did not try to pitch any products. It was a nice overview.
Gadget Pastor. The post was about "class" not "case", though I must admit I made that mistake before I clicked in and began reading. Anyway, OT but I agree with your review.
Although I think I have done a good job of setting up my Ipad, I am going to the Get to know your Ipad class at the Apple Store this weekend. I will post a review of what they teach if anything new.
Please brhon, I have a question to ask that nobody seems able to answer. The iPads have limited memory, could it be possible to set up some NAS media library and gain access to it via wifi? I hate to have to go fire up the host computer every time I need something. It would be nice to just access a hard disk from wifi. If it's possible, what hardware should I get? A time capsule or that wifi hard drive for the Air?
Although I think I have done a good job of setting up my Ipad, I am going to the Get to know your Ipad class at the Apple Store this weekend. I will post a review of what they teach if anything new.
Please brhon, I have a question to ask that nobody seems able to answer. The iPads have limited memory, could it be possible to set up some NAS media library and gain access to it via wifi? I hate to have to go fire up the host computer every time I need something. It would be nice to just access a hard disk from wifi. If it's possible, what hardware should I get? A time capsule or that wifi hard drive for the Air?

There is a way / an app that allows you access to your mobile.me account. So if you have 20gb of storage - you can partition a part of it and then access from your iPad. At least i can do that from my iPod touch.
IVan-I went to the Get to Know your Ipad this morning session at the Apple Store. The clerk didnt know the answer to your question. She suggested Mobile Me. She said she bought a 16gb and is strong all of her photos on MobileMe allowing her to view them from the ipad without taking up precious on the Ipad. She is also putting other memory intense items like Movies on her MobileMe account. The MobileMe apps in the store have not been updated to take advantage of the Ipad screen. She said she thinks they are working on making Ipad versions of the MobileMe Gallery and the Idisk application.

To access the Idisk you need to download the idisk application.

She also suggested the GoodReader as working well with MobileMe-she was pushing that pretty hard.

I do not have an Ipod Touch or an Iphone so this is my first exposure to the Iphone OS-I didnt know how to take a screenshot. That was about the only real thing I learned. The store was loud, and it amazes me how people walk right up to a group of people obviously in a "session" and are incredibly rude. The Imac class I took when I bought my mac was in the rear of the store and that worked out very well.

I downloaded Evernote for my Ipad and my Imac-they sync over WiFi, so that is pretty cool.

There is not an easy way to "save" directions for later use in the Maps App. You should be able to save the directions so if you want to open your ipad on the road you have access to your directions. The clerk said to take a screenshot-that only snaps the section visible on the screen you would have to take at least 2 shots to capture the entire list of directions. I am glad I went, now I can honestly say most of my tips and tricks have come from the forum.

I showed everyone the forum-the clerk thought it was a "rumor" web site, I went into a couple of different sections to show each of them what they could learn.
IVan-I went to the Get to Know your Ipad this morning session at the Apple Store. The clerk didnt know the answer to your question. She suggested Mobile Me. She said she bought a 16gb and is strong all of her photos on MobileMe allowing her to view them from the ipad without taking up precious on the Ipad. She is also putting other memory intense items like Movies on her MobileMe account. The MobileMe apps in the store have not been updated to take advantage of the Ipad screen. She said she thinks they are working on making Ipad versions of the MobileMe Gallery and the Idisk application.

To access the Idisk you need to download the idisk application.

She also suggested the GoodReader as working well with MobileMe-she was pushing that pretty hard.

I do not have an Ipod Touch or an Iphone so this is my first exposure to the Iphone OS-I didnt know how to take a screenshot. That was about the only real thing I learned. The store was loud, and it amazes me how people walk right up to a group of people obviously in a "session" and are incredibly rude. The Imac class I took when I bought my mac was in the rear of the store and that worked out very well.

I downloaded Evernote for my Ipad and my Imac-they sync over WiFi, so that is pretty cool.

There is not an easy way to "save" directions for later use in the Maps App. You should be able to save the directions so if you want to open your ipad on the road you have access to your directions. The clerk said to take a screenshot-that only snaps the section visible on the screen you would have to take at least 2 shots to capture the entire list of directions. I am glad I went, now I can honestly say most of my tips and tricks have come from the forum.

I showed everyone the forum-the clerk thought it was a "rumor" web site, I went into a couple of different sections to show each of them what they could learn.
Thank you brhon, that was very nice of you. It's not quite what I was expecting but it's still a step in the right direction.
Although I think I have done a good job of setting up my Ipad, I am going to the Get to know your Ipad class at the Apple Store this weekend. I will post a review of what they teach if anything new.
Please brhon, I have a question to ask that nobody seems able to answer. The iPads have limited memory, could it be possible to set up some NAS media library and gain access to it via wifi? I hate to have to go fire up the host computer every time I need something. It would be nice to just access a hard disk from wifi. If it's possible, what hardware should I get? A time capsule or that wifi hard drive for the Air?

mobile me, and the itunes store app is called idisk ( but there is no ipad specific idisk app yet, so it's the iphone one). The goodreader for ipad app can also access files on mobile me. It works great for me.
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