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Anyone with an engraved IPAD get it shipped?


iPF Noob
Mar 11, 2012
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I ordered 2, one black 16 and a white 16 gb engraved. The black has been shipped, the engraved is still processing.

hoping I get it Friday, its engraved for my wife's anniversary!
I ordered mine on the 7th and it shipped Saturday engraved. It is in Alaska now, and im in Connecticut
I ordered my engraved iPad Wednesday 7th, on Thursday it left china, Friday was in Alaska, Saturday it is in Kentucky. I live in georgia. My tracking is from ups, everyone else seems to be fed ex.
Hmm I ordered mine on the 9th. As long as it gets here Friday im OK, just hope it ships tomorrow
Mine was shipped on Saturday through UPS according to the ship confirmation text from Apple. However, UPS doesn't recognize the reference # and I can't track it. :/
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Mine is engraved and is supposed to arrive on March 16th.
Engraved, in Louisville, to be delivered on the 16. Tracking UPS.
How long did it take for the order to shipped? Mine has been processing since the 9th
Ordered Thursday 3/7 10 am, engraved, just went to shipped status around 3am last night from china via ups for delivery 3/16!
My engraved iPad was ordered on 3/7. Its currently in Louisville, KY. Scheduled for delivery 3/16.

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