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Anyone here having issues with Sprint's Overdrive?


iPF Noob
May 7, 2010
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Anyone here experiencing connection problems with their Overdrive device?
I received mine yesterday and it has been acting up.

I randomly get kicked off of the connection. Sometimes it gets to the point that it won't remember my password and when I re-enter it, it won't recognize it. I made sure I had the device set to WPA/WPA2. Right now it's holding tight but I do get the wifi signal icon blink every minute or so. It's annoying. I'm on the latest firmware for the Overdrive and I am not jail broken at the moment. I did a full restore as well.

With that said, I don't experience any of the above problems when I'm on my Cradlepoint router with Clear 4G card..

Anyone else going through this??

Edited to add.. I might be speaking too soon.. I reset everything and it's working fine as far as a stable connection goes except for the blinking icon every minute or so. With that said, I did turn off the Cradlepoint router. Was it conflicting earlier with the Overdrive?
I'm assuming the blinking icon is due to the Overdrive and not the iPad correct?
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Just an update. I went to my local Sprint store to swap out with a new Overdrive. When i set it up this afternoon I noticed that they just released new firmware for it. Its now in 2.06.06
The details are on their site. I hope it works better now.. fingers crossed.
I have the Sprint Sierra 4G for two months now. Never had any issues unless I get out of tower range. A few weeks ago my wife and I made a road trip to San Diego from Sacramento via I-5. I had a bad knee injury and was on some good pain meds so my wife drove while I played on either the iPad or the Macbook. I pretty much had a seamless WIFI connection the whole 7 hours down 7 hours back :p. Also got to try out the 4G service in Oregon and that was awesome. So far I'm loven the versatility of Sprint 4G. No dissatification here...
Thanks for the reply.. So far my new device has been good and the connection seamless as well. I'm fortunate enough to have 4G in my city and rarely need to switch to 3G.
Fingers are still crossed.
I live in the Galleria area in Houston (it's very urban, maps show 4G coverage)... but the 4G coverage is not very good and I don't know why. Driving around the area I don't ever see great reception.

Besides that issue the Overdrive also hasn't been working well. For situations where I need a stable connection (like Skype) it's utterly useless. Even with 2 or 3 bars for 4G it often goes back and forth between 3G/4G but worst is that it drops the WiFi connection altogether.

It's definitely far below reasonable expectations.
I had a little trouble with it at first but Sprint swapped it for a new one and it has been solid for almost two months now. I use it in the car and it works great with Skype.

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