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Anyone else so disappointed they want to cry?


iPF Noob
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
I was quite upset wiith how much hype there was around it to be so simple.
The hype around, I thought it was going to have so many new fetures, but it turned out there wasn't as many as I thought.
I dont think I would ever cry over an Apple product let alone any product
The excitement around a new generation of an apple product is not because it will be so vastly different from the previous generation (although every few generations there is a vast difference.) The excitement is around the brand. Apple consistently puts out good products, they are uber-secretive which builds suspense and anticipation, and they develop with the end user in mind which causes the end user to be extremely loyal.

They will not reinvent the wheel with every generation. They have a much more focused development plan that allows for major changes every two or three generations and incremental change in between.
I believe Apple has kept the iPad fresh and on the leading edge of the industry with this chapter . Esthetics were always there. You did get 8mm's more IPad this time around though.
I seriously question the mental health of anyone who would cry over an electronic gadget.
I have no idea what the Op is thinking. This is exactly the iPad I was expecting with the level of technology we have today. In fact it will be my first iPad (owning an android tablet) as I was waiting for high resolution (I cannot stand reading on low res screens)

If you are disappointed, please post what exactly were you expecting?
I believe Apple has kept the iPad fresh and on the leading edge of the industry with this chapter . Esthetics were always there. You did get 8mm's more IPad this time around though.

I think you mean .8 mm more - it's a huge difference.
I agree. At first I was disappointed that it didn't have the quad core processor and the 8 megapixal camera that the Asus Prime came out with before the new year but Apple does more with less consistently! Now I'm very excited about the retina display, the major bump in the rear camera, the quad core graphics processor, the extra 512 in ram, and of course some revamped stock apps! Oh will Friday ever get here!
All the "rumors" were pretty much true. What exact features were you expecting?
Maybe he wanted an octocore CPU with USB support so you can hook up a mouse to it? The iPad 3 pretty much has everything I wanted plus more. Thank god for 1 gig of ram.
I agree. At first I was disappointed that it didn't have the quad core processor and the 8 megapixal camera that the Asus Prime came out with before the new year but Apple does more with less consistently! Now I'm very excited about the retina display, the major bump in the rear camera, the quad core graphics processor, the extra 512 in ram, and of course some revamped stock apps! Oh will Friday ever get here!

Listen, I get that, I'm a geek. I want more CPU cores - but really I am a realist first, all I really want is fast response time, and if one table will give me faster response time with 2 cores than a table with 16 - I'll take the table with two cores.
It didn't make me want to pre order but I will be trading up so I can get the 4G hotspot. That's a plus!!!!!

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