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Any IPAD 3g users in Singapore got their pads running with the local carriers?


iPF Noob
May 1, 2010
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Greetings to all!

Just checking if anyone in Singapore with a 3g ipad has managed to get their pads running data through their mobile broadband sim card? (after trimming it down of course)

Hope to get a bit of help about the settings from anyone out there who's successfully configured their pads to run data with any of the carriers (m1, Singtel or starhub.)

Greetings to all!

Just checking if anyone in Singapore with a 3g ipad has managed to get their pads running data through their mobile broadband sim card? (after trimming it down of course)

Hope to get a bit of help about the settings from anyone out there who's successfully configured their pads to run data with any of the carriers (m1, Singtel or starhub.)


i hvnt own a 3G(yet),bt accordin to reports in HWZ forum,the device runs 'flawless' wif our local DIYed sims
hi, although i am awaiting the arrival of my 3G iPad from Australia on sunday i went to singtel yesterday to check on their MicroSIM availability (i saw in the ST that they would have them availalbe on 1st June). when i asked about using the Multi Sim option to acquire a MicroSIM card i was told that SingTel would not allow you to acquire a MicroSIM without signing up for a new data plan and that the pricing of the new data plans had not been released yet but they would let me know when it was.
therefore, they claimed that you can not attach a MicroSIM card to your existing Data Plan using the Multi SIM option. this is hardly surpising as Optus (Singtel Australian arm) is trying to extract AUD$60 month for a 3 GB data plan on anyone acquiring a new MicroSIM card. However, in anticipation on this i acquired a MicroSIM adapter from microsim store online so i will cut down my other data only SIM card and test it. i assume you will use the same settings that your phone or laptop use to access your internet account. i will try this on sunday and repost if it works..
iPad 3G working in Singapore

hi, i posted last week and wanted to update on what happended when my iPad arrived. In Brief: It works here in Singapore, by using my data card SIM that i cut down to fit the Micro SIM size. that took a little while as i wanted to ensure i did not damage it, but it eventually fitted perfectly. once i had inserted the SIM card i needed to add in the Data connection details, (i took them directly from my iPhone settings) and then turned the unit off then on again and Hey Presto... it worked perfectly. No need to buy the ridiculously expensive Data plans that the local telcos are promoting. the units are not locked to a carrier so they can be used on any carriers network. hope this helps.
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hi, i posted last week and wanted to update on what happended when my iPad arrived. In Brief: It works here in Singapore, by using my data card SIM that i cut down to fit the Micro SIM size. that took a little while as i wanted to ensure i did not damage it, but it eventually fitted perfectly. once i had inserted the SIM card i needed to add in the Data connection details, (i took them directly from my iPhone settings) and then turned the unit off then on again and Hey Presto... it worked perfectly. No need to buy the ridiculously expensive Data plans that the local telcos are promoting. the units are not locked to a carrier so they can be used on any carriers network. hope this helps.

Philip, thanks for sharing this. I hope the ISP won't "block" it later ...
I am at a decision point to either get the iPAD from US next week or wait for July's Singapore version. Any advice? Any additional problems in using imported set vs. local set?
hi Yakult,
i have not found any issues using the local SIM card that has been modified. it works perfectly. As to where to purchase the iPad, the only consideration would be whether to select the unit from the US or another country. i would suggest getting this from another country not the US as the US version has AT and T as its preferred telco with the settings loaded. I did not test the US version, but to be safe i chose Australia for the source as the unit is completely unlocked and the only consideration i had with that was the wall plug was the 3 split pin configuration, not the 3 flat pin we have here in Singapore. if this is a concern then maybe wait for the SG model, otherwise grab one overseas and an adapter. another option is to consider getting one in HK when its officially released (not the grey market items) where there is no GST/ VAT thereby saving you 7% on the purchase price and more than enough to cover for the international plug kit available from Apple. hope this helps.
I got an M1 micro sim yesterday, which although the ipad recognizes, cannot connect to the cellular network. Please let me know if anyone knows what settings to put on the ipad to get it to work,
The settings that I have got to work are: settings - cellular data - APN settings - APN: sunsurf
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