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Another use of the iPad

thats interesting, so are they going to sink it into the desk or are the newscasters going to be holding an iPad in their hands on the air showing off that pretty black apple? LOL
thats interesting, so are they going to sink it into the desk or are the newscasters going to be holding an iPad in their hands on the air showing off that pretty black apple? LOL

This is just the beginning. People really start to understand the benefits of the iPad, not only us nerds.....
One of our local news stations has been using it to display mug shots and other pictures on scene.
I saw that earlier this week too! There's an awesome TelePrompTer app as well. I agree with the post above where he mentioned other people slowly figuring out ways to apply it to their lives. This may definitely be "the wheel" of our time!
Maybe we need to start playing slug pad instead of slug bug. Every new use for an iPad, you get to slug your buddy in the arm. Do not play around your wife.

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