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Add words to keyboard dictionary hack?


iPF Noob
After reading Matthew's thread about the spacebar on the keyboard bugging him, it had dawned on me that there was no way to add custom words to the iPad's dictionary or set certain words to be replaced with other words, for example the word "ipad" will usually be auto corrected by the keyboard dictionary and changed to "iPad", however, if you type "ipads", the word is not auto corrected and the letter "p" in the word does not get capitalized nor is an apostrophe added into the word.

So, is there a hack that allows you to add custom words to the auto-correction dictionary or is there a hack that allows you to add certain words to be replaced by other words?

If such a hack does not exist, this hack could be made and put into Cydia by a dev and I would gladly pay for it (I hope a dev is reading this *wink*). :)
This has always been such a pain in the ass. Back when I bought the first iPhone the week it came out, I got sick and tired of the keyboard changing every damn word I typed. Back then there was no option to turn off autocorrect, so you had to do it by jailbreaking the iPhone and that added the option. Unfortunately that also disabled the auto period and auto caps, so it was a lose-lose situation. If I told someone to quit being pissy, the iPhone would change it to pussy (no, I'm not kidding). When I posted my query on the Apple support forums, I was told by the high and mighty douchebags that "Apple owners don't talk like that" and they locked the thread.
The auto correction dictionary is located at "/private/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard/dynamic-text.dat"

There is however one way to make changes to the autocorrect dictionary that is not well known and doesnt require jailbreaking.

Open safari and type the word in the google search bar. When the auto correct pops up a suggestion, click it to cancle the suggestion. Then perform the search for that word.

Safari I think is the only app that will let you click cancle while entering a search term and actualy learn that word and its punctuation.

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