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2-Year iPad Warranty Only $83.99 (includes drops & spills)


iPF Noob
May 12, 2010
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The SquareTrade iPad Warranty

It costs less than AppleCare, and covers drops, spills and other accidents!

iPad Insurance Alternative | iPad Warranty | Apple Tablet Warranty | Tablet Extended Warranty | SquareTrade Warranties

I just bought the 2-year warranty myself. If you enter code: DECORATION ,you'll get 30% off of MSRP (TODAY ONLY!). My total was $83.99 for full coverage including spills and breakage :) I did some research about the company and they have excellent feedback on a lot websites. IMHO better than AppleCare too ;)

You are THREAD CRAPPING here! :mad:


Mods please kindly moderate this guy.
Link goes right to squaretrade's site....doesn't look like spam to me. Just someone trying to pass along some info and savings to fellow iPad owners.
if I were getting a warranty, I would get the Squaretrade.... I think I have even seen their ads on this site.....
Wow now even insurance company (or pretending to be) Spam here ??

Are you for real? :confused:

Yep this post look like spam from affiliate or something like this …. and you know is true

Look, I understand you are a vendor here, but it seems many of your posts are nothing but negativity. If you would have done even just a tiny bit of research (maybe click the link perhaps?) you would see this isn't a spam. The thread starter doesn't have just one post, he's a fairly regular poster, leave him alone.

Just because you have vendor status doesn't mean you can go around ruining peoples' threads just because it's something you don't like.

Grow up.
I bought a couple of square trade warranties for my iPads as well - great price to extend the manufacturers and add spill and dropping. From what I can tell they have a good rep and don't give you a bunch of spit when something happens.
Yes, this is legit!
Square Trade is an established company.
And I have also seen there adds on here.
Are you for real? :confused:

Yep this post look like spam from affiliate or something like this …. and you know is true

Look, I understand you are a vendor here, but it seems many of your posts are nothing but negativity. If you would have done even just a tiny bit of research (maybe click the link perhaps?) you would see this isn't a spam. The thread starter doesn't have just one post, he's a fairly regular poster, leave him alone.

Just because you have vendor status doesn't mean you can go around ruining peoples' threads just because it's something you don't like.

Grow up.

ven·dor   [ven-der; especially contrastively ven-dawr]

1. a person or agency that sells.

I wouldn't go as far as to call him an actual vendor, because he doesn't have anything to sell. He's been saying it's going to be just a few days till the site is ready....since the wifi version was released. That was a week short of two months ago he has been "only a few days from opening for business". Just my two cents....
I need warranty asap...anyone sadly had to use it yet?
I think I may pull the trigger on this...seems bettter than apples and I'm clumsy
Yep this post look like spam from affiliate or something like this …. and you know is true

Just because you have vendor status doesn't mean you can go around ruining peoples' threads just because it's something you don't like.

Grow up.

Hi first of all i am not vendor, we are Manufacturer and developer, second i didn’t fear the competition at all as that help the biz …i often when have no competition that mean no biz
and last we didn’t sell insurance ….

For conclude when i have read the way the post be writed and see the link i feel it as a spam or affiliate … if it’s not the case that’s good …

Maybe you also didn’t read all reply i give for help people have question ..

Vendor or not if i have something to say i will say it … you like you dislike is none of my business

PS: For largefarva: we have not open the online shop but most of our products are already in some market … we will open when all for e-commerce will be ready and sone test will be finished …

excuse me if i prefer to spend time to made everything well than open the shop and make people unsatisfied because they have to wait or they doesn’t have to possibility to use their selected online payment mode … don’t forgot online sale concern the world not only one country …


I've been on this forum since the 3rd or 4th week of March. With all due respect I have watched numerous times where you come down hard on someone who is or sounds like they may be a vendor / salesperson -- really hard. And all the while I keep going to your web site to see if anything is for sale yet and it isn't. Obviously that's your business and no-one else's - but it does degrade your credibility as a poster on this forum.

I don't like some of the meanness and vitriol that I sometimes see on forums - but a few of the comments made to you are well deserved.

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