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Weird iPad Air 2 WI-Fi model in a Cellular body


iPF Noob
Nov 7, 2015
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So, my story began when I bought used iPad Air 2 online which was described as Wi-Fi only model (A1566), but as I received it i found out that an iPad has a Cellular model body (SIM-card slot present, black plastic thingey next to the rear camera etc). but it behaved like Wi-Fi only iPad (there were no Cellular settings). I received it with Jailbroken iOS 9.0.2. When I tried to restore it to factory default settings, the iPad stuck with Apple logo. Then when I updated it to the latest iOS version (iOS 9.1 by that time), I found out that the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is no longer working (Wi-Fi button greyed out). iTunes also recognises it as a Wi-Fi only model. (so weird)

So, I have a couple of questions:
- how is it possible to force Wi-Fi to work again with or without jailbrake?
- is it possible toforce iTunes to update the iPad with Cellular version of iOS firmware?
It just seems that the previous owner did something weird with it but why and how?

Any suggestions and advices with be very appriciated.

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Sounds like someone swapped logic boards on stuck a wifi only board into a cellular case. In regards to jailbreaking, I'm not an expert on that but putting the iPad into DFU mode (Google DFU for iPad) should restore it to the latest version of iOS.
Sounds like someone swapped logic boards on stuck a wifi only board into a cellular case. In regards to jailbreaking, I'm not an expert on that but putting the iPad into DFU mode (Google DFU for iPad) should restore it to the latest version of iOS.

It could be the case except serial number that shows up on iTunes and the one that engraved on the back cover are the same.
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Is there a valid SIM card in the SIM slot?

If not, the iPad may not show cellular related settings. It's typical of Apple to not show settings that the iPad can't use; like not showing the Lock/Unlock setting in Settings > General until after the iPad has detected a magnetic cover that can use the feature.

Of course, you'll have to get the iPad working again first. The DFU mode Brian mentioned is your best bet for that.
Is there a valid SIM card in the SIM slot?

If not, the iPad may not show cellular related settings. It's typical of Apple to not show settings that the iPad can't use; like not showing the Lock/Unlock setting in Settings > General until after the iPad has detected a magnetic cover that can use the feature.

Of course, you'll have to get the iPad working again first. The DFU mode Brian mentioned is your best bet for that.

I've already installed iOS 9.1 and it's (kind of) working. The thing is that iTunes recognises iPad as a Model 5,3 (Wi-Fi only) and doesn't let me install firmware for Model 5,4. So that's (probably) why the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not working as well (wrong drivers), which makes the iPad pretty much useless. And nothing happens when i try to insert a SIM-card.
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Hm. It does sound like someone has fiddled with the hardware, as Brian suggested; though how they could have swapped a logic board and not changed the software serial number beats me.

At the very least, it sounds like you have a hardware problem. Something that can't be fixed by software alone. Bluetooth should also work on the wi-fi only model, though I suppose the antenna module and/or chipset for Bluetooth might differ between cellular and wi-fi only models. That would actually make sense. I don't know this, but it would not surprise me if Bluetooth were build into the cellular chipset, and taken advantage of on those models; where the wi-fi only model would need a separate chipset and/or antenna.

Anyway, far outside my area of expertise. Sorry.

If you have recourse with the seller, I'd be looking to return the device and get my money back. At the very least, it was not as advertised. If they modified the iPad Air 2 in any way, that should have been in the description.
If you bought the iPad from eBay, you have up to 45 days from the end of the listing to open an item not as described dispute. If you win the dispute, you'll get a refund even if the seller refuses. You'd need proof to support your claim in the dispute. This is where a diagnostic and inspection at an Apple Store would come in handy.
Other online sales sites have their own dispute procedures. Check with the site to determine the proper course of action.
Reading through this thread again, I'm thinking the previous owner was messing with the logic board and damaged the cellular board ( which is a seperate piece) and the wifi chip as well. Perhaps water damage. I would contest the purchase through eBay if I were you.
First of all, thank you all for suggestions.

I'm thinking the previous owner was messing with the logic board and damaged the cellular board
At the very least, it sounds like you have a hardware problem. Something that can't be fixed by software alone.
When I just received the iPad (with jailbroken 9.0.2) the Wi-Fi was working properly. There were some tweaks on Cydia, but I don't remember what tweaks exactly. Only when I updated to 9.1 (and lost JB) the Wi-Fi has gone.

I'd be looking to return the device and get my money back.
I would contest the purchase through eBay if I were you.
If you bought the iPad from eBay

Unfortunately, I bought it on a Craiglist-like website (i know, i know), so I'm not covered with buyer protection. And, of course, the seller is not answering my messages.

The interesting thing is that iPad is still on warranty till March 2016 as I checked on Apple website. I could give it a try and go to Apple Authorized Service Provider to fix it, BUT first of all, I don't have a receipt or any other proof of purchase, second of all, if it's had been messed inside, I'm out of warranty anyway. And third of all, as I live in Ukraine, I'm not sure there are AASP's exist in here. So yeah.
You could always do mail in service request if you are not near an authorized service center. Is there any evidence of the iPad being opened before? If there isn't you may be in luck.
Thanks for suggestion. iPad does not have any visible sings of opening before, it's in very good condition actually.

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