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Propup stand

Diane B

iPF Novice
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
North Carolina
I haven't seen this mentioned so thought I would. It looks sort of dumb but certainly works well. i'm using it now to type in my lap. Makes it wonderful for hands free reading and typing. Its extremely light and I can fit my Ipad with Apple case in it though not as easily as "naked". The Ipad just pops in or out. I highly recommend it. http://propupstore.com/. I saw it first on Engadget and decided to try it. I've blown $25 (that was what the intro price was) on dumber things but this is worth every penny for me. I use it all the time to read in bed also. When I want to take the Ipad with me I just pop it out.
I've had mine for a couple of weeks now and overall I like it a lot. The only thing I really dislike about it is the finish on the edge of the mold it is way to sharp and while it certainly wont cut you it can be uncomfortable to hold after a while. I wish they would have rounded it off slightly to make it more comfortable for those of us addicts who can't seem to put down their iPads for loooong periods of time. Perhaps version two :)
Just checked mine and it isn't sharp. Maybe its smoothed off by using it so much LOL

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