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iPF Noob
Jul 21, 2012
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Hello! My name is Bob and I am from California.
I am Secretary to my Masonic Lodge and will be taking minutes of meeting with my Ipad2.
So far I have used Notes app,e-mailed result to a friend who puts it into format,then he
gives it to me.
There must be a better way. Help?
Hi there...when you mean your friend "formats it" than sends it back to you, what do you mean? Why not use a Word Processing App, like Pages or so. Than you can format the document immediately and send it off once completed.

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I use notes to send minutes to a friend,he in turn types it up and makes me a copy.What I want to do
is skip the one step of sending to a friend.Any suggestions?
What format do you want it to end up being in?

So, is it a Word (.doc), text (.txt), or rich text (.rtf)? Or something else?

Once you know that we can suggest a good app, or apps. You'll either be able to type the notes up directly, or use copy and paste from the Notes app if you prefer.

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