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Issues with SSH for iPad


iPF Noob
Oct 14, 2010
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I'm having trouble SSH my iPad, works fine with my iPhone4. I've followed several different people's tutorials, but still have not had success. I keep getting the "access denied" error and I've type the "alpine" correctly hundreds of times.

Please help!
btw I'm running 3.2.2 if that makes a difference
i have problem with ssh too. but right now i use DiskAid it easy then.sorry my poor English! Ipad 64Gb 3G&Wifi iOS 3.2.2
Ok thx at least I know that I'm not the only one with this issue anyone else?
If it's 3.2.2, is it jailbroken?
If you don't have it jailbroken, you won't have the SSH-server running on it, therefore it won't respond to an SSH-connection.
I am going to assume you have jailbroken and installed the OpenSSH package (SSH is not installed with the latest jailbreak). Are you sure you have SSH and Data transfer enabled? The easiest way is to use SBSettings toggles for both. Enable SSH and Data and then reboot the device. After that you should have SSH access. I have been using it quite a bit with no issues at all.

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