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Zagg screen protector complaint.. Has anyone else experienced this?


iPF Noob
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
So ... Unlike most complaints with the product, the zagg screen protector for my ipad2 fits like a glove, no issues there...
Here is my issue though...
I have installed it, seemingly bubble free, but the screen is not as clear as it was before, the protector looks like a film over the glass... It obstructs the view and the screen is not crystal clear anymore... It is hard to explain exactly how it looks, its just not clear...
Like it just has a weird film over it... I was thinking this protector was clearly going to be ... Well, clear!!!!!

I am quite unhappy with it as I have read so many positive reviews, has anyone else had this issue or complaint?

Does it go away? ....

Thx :(
It does take several days to "cure" and all the moisture will evaporate. But it doesn't sound as though it will get to be as "invisible" as you are expecting. The thing is, at the end of the day, it is a significant piece of covering over your screen and Zaggs have an orange peel effect which some like and some don't. Best advice is give it at least 3 days before you take a decision. Its at least that long to see the end result.
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Same advice here. I had it on my iPad 1 for the past year. Actually ive gotten the zagg screens for all my devices. I personally love it for the scratch protection and the clarity over other 'clear' screen protectors Ive seen. it does have a slight effect on the screen over nothing at all. But it was easy to get used to and I don't feel it blurred anything
The other thing I would add is the Zagg is much better at dealing with finger prints than glass... IMHO of course.
Be that as it may that the product is an excellent protector, just now looking on apples web page trying to view the font was difficult.. Overall I do NOT like the product for visual appeal.

This is day two post install and it still looks like it did yesterday.
Will best buy take it back even though I've used it?
Yeah I hear you. I bought the Zagg ipad2 screen protector because it was anti-glare and it says crystal clear. It was easy to install and I don't have any bubbles. But when looking at white background with black text it looks horrible. I can't believe no one else has complained. Until I saw this post I thought I was the only one in the world that could see this problem. I really want the anti-glare because I will be using the ipad for flying and it would be great to have better visibility of the screen. I just don't think I can deal with the fuzziness that it adds to the screen. Also the $30.00 price tag is a bit high to not really like the product. It seems like a good quality product other then the fact that it make the ipad screen look like crap. I'm hoping that maybe it has something to do with that I just installed the screen protector and the issue will go away as it cures. However I think it's just the technology they use to make the screen anti-glare that give the screen this annoying effect when viewing certain bright backgrounds.
I have the anti-glare and it seems to have the same challenge. Not a huge issue for me because the film is so strong, but there are times when it shows up unfortunately.
Likewise; I have had anti glare screens before and have not had an issue. However the zagg screen creates a prism effect; you see color dots on bright backgrounds. Look at a photo and the faces have dots all over
I'm not a huge fan of the ZAGG screen protectors. I had one on my iPhone 4 and I followed the directions to a T. After a week, the screen protector felt very bumpy and rubbery under my fingers - it wasn't smooth the swipe on and there was some "finger lag". After 3 weeks, the edges began to peel up underneath the case. I finally got sick of it and bought an Otterbox defender which has a built in screen protector. I refuse to buy another ZAGG screen protector again - they cost too much for what they provide. JMHO, of course.
The display is terrible. Great no fingerprints but the cost in picture quality is too high. Like looking thru frosted glass. I want a less distorting protector.
That frosted glass look is the "anti glare" part of the protector. This isn't unique to zagg. There are cell phone covers that do the same thing by many other brands. I do agree that its not great for clarity but if you use it outside a lot you may like it. However don't blame zagg for making a screen protector that is doing what its intended to do.
To you who have posted less than positive experience with the Zagg shield product, I encourage you to contact Zagg directly. They have a very good customer service team and I can attest how quick they are and down right anxious to help you. Commenting and sharing your dismay with the product is a good thing, so that other forum members have an understanding of what can go wrong with any product, but it is also good to follow up directly with the company so they can help you.

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