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Zagg Packaging FAIL

I know right? Honestly if it's as good as they say it is, they could ship it in a manilla envelope or something right? What was all that talk about it being used on helicopter blades if they're afraid to ship it?
Seems odd. When we first purchased a set of skins, everything came in a single tube. It's most likely that a n00b in shipping packed the product having no clue what they were doing. To suggest that this was a corporate decision is a bit of a stretch... :p

Seems odd. When we first purchased a set of skins, everything came in a single tube. It's most likely that a n00b in shipping packed the product having no clue what they were doing. To suggest that this was a corporate decision is a bit of a stretch... :p

I don't really think they are afraid to ship their protector I was just being a smart-alec. You still have to admit that for this package at least it was an epic fail...
I wonder how much you could have saved on shipping if they weren't killing so many trees.
How tough was it to apply this protector without getting any bubbles?
Not too hard but I ran out of juice at the end. Pace yourself and you'll be fine. Definitely do not use too little though. I've heard nightmare stories about people using too little and it never being right.

Here is a video review.
Not too hard but I ran out of juice at the end. Pace yourself and you'll be fine. Definitely do not use too little though. I've heard nightmare stories about people using too little and it never being right.

Here is a video review.

Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

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