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Y!Conversations Folder


iPF Noob
Hi, hopefully some one can help, I have 2 queries;

1: Y! Conversations Folder

I used this folder to save e mails that were sent to me which I wanted to keep. Mysteriously this folder has disappeared. Please advise how I can retrieve this folder.

2: Deleting a Folder

I have created a folder, which is called "New Folder" as a test. I now want to delete it. I have tried highlighting the folder, a new box appears, which has at the top of the page, Cancel, Edit mailbox and Save. Below this is my folder followed by the mailbox location. Below this is a red button, Delete mailbox. When I tap Delete Mailbox, it throws me out and the mailbox has not been deleted. I have tried this process with either mail in the box, or the box empty, and the same happens each time.
It would probability be easier to do these things on the webmail site itself. The folders should sync back to the iPad. Or you could try using the Yahoo Mail app, which is almost identical to the website's iPad/mobile version.

I keep the Yahoo Mail app on my iPad specifically because it has better folder and bulk delete functions. I rarely need it, but when I do it's a major time saver.

I don't know how it is now, but the Conversations folder used to be a dedicated folder for saving Yahoo Messages history. It's possible it went away for a couple of reasons. But first, check the website and make sure it is really gone. Since it's not intended as a normal folder, the Mail app may have filtered it; since you're not supposed to save email's to it.

I recommend creating a new folder named something else. If the old conversation folder still exists, use the website or Yahoo Mail app to move the emails you want to keep to the new folder.

You may have a Notes folder as well. If you do, like the Conversation folder, it's a special folder that you shouldn't mess with directly. In this case it syncs your iPad's Notes app with any other iOS devices you have.
Hi thanks for this advice, I used the Yahoo mail app and found the folder with all my saved mail. I have now created a new folder and moved the mail to it.

Can you help with the second part of the problem I raised, I can't delete folders. Using the process I detailed in the original thread, the folder will not delete. I have tried this on another I-Pad and it is exactly the same, it is something I'm doing wrong
Are you trying to delete the Conversations folder? I don't think you can. I turned off the conversation recording in Yahoo (on their site) and emptied the folder. Eventually it went away, though I have no idea when. It disappeared long after I stopped trying to get rid of it.

If a different folder, one you created, did you try deleting it from the Yahoo Mail app, or the website?
I must apologise for my delay in responding ( away for a few days). I can delete my new creating folder via Yahoo mail, this will do me. Thanks for all your help

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