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Woo hoo, iPad has shipped!!!!


iPF Noob
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Snellville, GA
Originally have it my receipt the iPad wasn't supposed to ship until July 6th with a July 9th delivery. Just got an e-mail update that it started shipping today and will be here the 30th! Out-friggin'-standing! Nine days ahead of schedule.

For a timeline reference for others that ordered, I put the order in for mine this past Saturday night. So right at ten days. Looks like that's going to work out! I love new toys!
Not looking like it. I'll have to watch closely today. The dates are already shifting again (to my favor). Now it's showing it may ship today with projected delivery on Monday. I figure there will be nothing concrete till it is physically on the road. It feels like waiting on Christmas. :D
lol I have estimated shipping dats as 6th July, with 8th as delivery.

Im in the UK though, and from what I can gather from phoning every Apple store within 100 miles (actually not that many!), they are selling them as soon as they get them in stock. The closest store (60 miles away) said they could reserve me one when the next batch arrives, but could only hold it for 24 hours. And I dont drive.

Nuts. So I went with the online store. Now I am slowly losing the will to live.

To make it worse, I was at a Housing Expo yesterday, and one of the stands had one on display. The guy kindly let me have a play, but I think he got a little worried when I almost started drooling on it. He had to pry pretty damn hard to get it back off me too.....
The estimated time of delivery was accurate for me. In fact Fedex brought it 20 minutes before the ETA. It was the first delivery to come to Canada.
Hm... I ordered my I pad on Sunday 6/20 and have been sitting in prepared for shipping for 2 days. Same as you, Shipping 7/6 delivery by 7/9. I live on the east coast so hopefully mine will ship earlier as well. Suspense is killing me.
I ordered mine on the 21st. I got the notice last night (eastern US time) that the info had been transmitted to fed ex.

It now shows as "in transit" LANTAU ISLAND HK. That scan was done at 9:25 am thismorning (eastern US time).

The original delivery date from the apple store was July 9. Fed Ex tracking now estimates June 29 (next tuesday).

I feel like I am 9 years old and it is December 20th or something.

I check the tracking status every 9 seconds or so and I am sure I will be sitting on my deck the whole day of the 24th waiting for the fed ex truck.
Hm... I ordered my I pad on Sunday 6/20 and have been sitting in prepared for shipping for 2 days. Same as you, Shipping 7/6 delivery by 7/9. I live on the east coast so hopefully mine will ship earlier as well. Suspense is killing me.

I'm betting yours shifts tomorrow. I'm in Atlanta and you're withing a day of ordering mine. I'm dying waiting to see it actually start moving. I hate seeing that the label has been prepped but not the actual shift yet. Apple has always been really good about when they set the delivery date, so hopefully this 28th will hold true. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Both of my iPads are listed as arrived in ANCHORAGE, AK, but also estimated delivery is 10:30am in Chicago tomorrow.....not sure of that time frame.....
Hmmm, wonder if Fed Ex is getting bad about keeping their updates set up again. That's slightly annoying. Mine is still listed as the freight tag prepared but no motion yet. Guess I shouldn't expect it too much on Monday unless I see some real progress over the weekend (or at least starting to move around the country tomorrow).
If that was your shipping date, I would say to take heart, that it very well may not take that long.

You mentioned the Housing Expo. What do you do for a living?

I work for a local Social Housing company (we used to be part of the local government, but went private a few years ago). Only lowly admin though - which is fine with me, as Im quite possibly the least career-minded person I know lol
Both of my iPads are listed as arrived in ANCHORAGE, AK, but also estimated delivery is 10:30am in Chicago tomorrow.....not sure of that time frame.....

Still in AK, and estimated delivery time is in an hour and a half. That's a pretty fast Fed-Ex truck!
Mine is still in Anchorage AK as well. I finally called Fed Ex and got a human. He did further checking and said it is stuck waiting for Customs release and I should not look for it before Monday. Probably waiting for the xxxx sniffing dogs to finish breakfast. LOL
Both of my iPads are listed as arrived in ANCHORAGE, AK, but also estimated delivery is 10:30am in Chicago tomorrow.....not sure of that time frame.....

Still in AK, and estimated delivery time is in an hour and a half. That's a pretty fast Fed-Ex truck!

Mine is finally moving. Showing it has left China. I would imagine it's travelling by air at least until stateside, probably farther. There's the off chance it can make it by Monday travelling over the weekend, but I figure I'll count more on the middle of the week.

I wonder if yours might be held up in customs? It's not unusual for customs to stop random shipments to check and you could possibly be stuck in that. Worst case scenario, do like I do. Call Fed Ex and start terrorizing them over the phone. :D

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