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WiFi issues...time to return for refund


iPF Noob
Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
The WiFi on the new iPad is extremely flaky and unreliable.

While my iPad 2 is rock solid, the WiFi performance of the new iPad devolves significantly and often.

When I start noticing problems, I'll go into the speedtest app and find that while the iPad 2 is sporting 30-40Mbit, the new iPad is crawling at < 5Mbit.

The only way to correct this is to disable/enable WiFi, change to a different access point, or reboot the unit.

And all of this is happening with a brand new AirPort Extreme, so no claims can be made that it must be the access point.

So the bottom line is that in the absence of any information at all from Apple, I have to assume this is a hardware problem and will not be corrected by an iOS update.

I'll have to return the new iPad for a refund and then wait several months to try again.

Anyone else have this issue?
Wifi on my new iPad works great. So perhaps there is a problem with the one iPad you have, rather than all of them, which is how your post is worded. Maybe you should get a swap as yours sounds to be defective.
Mine works awesome too. I wouldn't wait months. Most of the iPads are not experiencing any problem
i had a problem where all the sudden i got no signal for cell and it would not log on to wifi?
so i tried all the usual stuff reset device bla bla bla
even restored ipad as i was so pissed
finaly after nothing worked i pulled plug on my wifi router and reset it and everythings cool!
i think the ipad just has a problem in software for renewing addresses
everythng still been great.
That is not really ironic.

To the OP: Try assigning your new iPad a permanent lease assignment outside of the DHCP range on the router and see if that helps.

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