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WIFI hotspot Auto Login ?


iPF Noob
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
United States
I have a Ipad 3 at workplace. To use the Wifi available in Workplace , i have to login to the splash page as soon as i select the Wifi from Settings. Once i enter my credentials i am connected to WIFI. But if i move away from workplace and come back again , i have to enter the login details again to get connected to Wifi. Atleast i end up entering these credentials 2 or 3 times daily. Is there a way to avoid these login in splash page. I searched google and tried to make safari to remember the password , but that didnt work as well.

Is there any app in Appstore or Cydia. My Ipad is jailbroken , i couldnt find any app in appstore or cydia to avoid this.
That's almost certainly a "feature" of the wifi service. Ask the system administrator if your iPad can be granted automatic login privileges. On my home wifi router, e.g., access is denied to all devices except those specifically allowed by machine ID (my iPad and my wife's iMac).

milliHelen: amount of beauty required to launch one ship.
The auto login feature was re-established in IOS6.1.1

Now you can disable it, login via the browser as on desktops, save password.

If you re-enable the auto login the saved credentials will be used.

Hope the feature will not be disable again as un IOS4

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