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Why sharing data connection is now free with my iPad2?


iPF Noob
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, I own an iPad 2 Wifi jailbreak with Absinthe. I also have an iPhone4 which is also jailbreak with redsnow.

I found out that when I use Bluetooth on my iPad 2 to use the shared connection with my iPhone, my data is not increasing anymore on the used data for cellular plan under shared connection on my iPhone! I also checked on my provider invoice on the net and there is no sign of data used! How that can happen? It only started to do that since I have jailbreak my iPad. I did not know it would do this, but it this normal? Does that mean that I kind of now have an unlimited 3G data using the shared connection through my iPad? I'm lost here. Please, explain.
I too have noticed that the numbers are off - and in my case WAY off. Since my upgrade of both the phone and pad, the phone says I have used more than twice as much Regular Data as Verizon says I have, and the phone says I have used half as much ￿Tether Data as Verizon says. I didn't look at the numbers on the phone right after the upgrade/jailbreak, I expected them to be reset back to zero. Something is definately afoot, but I'll not know anythging until the end of the period and both I and Verizon reset the numbers... which I do every month faithfully.


Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yeah this is quite strange. On my side, like I said, there is no increase at all of ALL the data used by my iPad using the shared 3G network connection by Bluetooth through my iPhone.

I also checked on my daily data usage from my provider on the Internet invoice and it also reflects what I see on my iPhone 4 use of data, which is 0 btes sent or received.

This means I'm a quite a happy customer now. It really looks like I have an unlimited 3G plan on my iPad 2!
I am one of the fortunate one who got in at the right time with Verizon, and DO have the unlimited data package.

Anyway, might I suggest something..... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
Bingoldsby said:
I am one of the fortunate one who got in at the right time with Verizon, and DO have the unlimited data package.

Anyway, might I suggest something..... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF

This could be post of the year!

The Archangel

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