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Why Jailbreak the iPad?

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iPF Noob
Don't get me wrong. I've been through iPhone jailbreaks all the way back to the first iPhone. But something I don't understand now as an iPad 3 owner.. Why Jailbreak? Do I get Installous? Does Installous have iPad apps? Can I play various file formats in Video or iBooks that aren't supported. For the first time in all these days, I wonder why I would want to jailbreak.

Thanks in advance,
Don't get me wrong. I've been through iPhone jailbreaks all the way back to the first iPhone. But something I don't understand now as an iPad 3 owner.. Why Jailbreak? Do I get Installous? Does Installous have iPad apps? Can I play various file formats in Video or iBooks that aren't supported. For the first time in all these days, I wonder why I would want to jailbreak.

Thanks in advance,

Well, no, you wouldn't get Installous. That's because that particular item is a piracy-enabling app (read: a way to steal paid apps). Here at iPad Forums, we don't allow piracy - to include mentioning piracy enabling apps, repos to get pirated apps or actions to enable piracy. Not only is piracy not allowed here at this forum - its illegal!

If you've jail broken in the past, you should know that jail breaking does not equal piracy. Jail breaking is merely a way for you to gain full access to your iPad's file system. Piracy is theft. Big difference.

There are many reasons to jail break. Have a read through the many threads in the Hacking section here. For now, however, this thread is closed and we caution you against asking any more questions or mentioning piracy here.

Thanks for your understanding.

Moderator, iPadForums.net
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