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Who's having buyers remorse?


iPF Noob
Apr 13, 2010
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I picked up a 32GB 3G iPad this last Friday. As cool as it is, and as much as i love iBooks, I just don't find it practical. I've tried to justify keeping it but I can't, plus i feel like a douche whenever I bring it out in public.

Anyone else?
wow the comebacks I could send on that post, but I will refrain.:)

It is interesting how some people are totally happy with their iPad and some people just do not see it the way we do.

With all that was written about the iPad between the end of January and April 3rd it is amazing that people still have unfulfilled expectations when it comes to the iPad, of course maybe Blake has a life and hasn't spent hours and hours reading all that was written like some of us.:)
I would never give mine up. Thinking of buying one for a friend.
Why would you feel like a douche using the iPad in public? It's no different than using a laptop in public.

Not a single ounce of buyer's remorse, not even with the small army of people on other websites telling me I'm an idiot for buying it, and an "Apple Sheep" for buying a "substandard product"
I'll give you my iPad when you when you take it from my cold, dead hands ;).

I'm with you wot fan, both my iPad and my Walther! The truth is I can't imagine what I did without it. Especially when I'm out for the day or running errands. I mean, no more staring into my palm pre on the road or my 1st gen touch at home. I'm incredibly happy with it and look forward to all the new things I discover I can do!
Ok, it seems like a lot of you are taking this to heart, I'm not attacking any of you. I was just as excited and anxious as everyone else in this forum.

I feel like an attention whore when I bring it out, especially on the bus. Maybe some of you like that attention, not me though.

I still think the iPad is cool, innovative, and will change computing. But that feeling of a new device has fadded and I just don't know if i'm gonna keep it.
I like it even more than I thought I would. I can't imagine not having one now that I've had it! If I'm at home, it's rarely out of my hands. (Unless the daughter or granddaughter snatches it). :)
I sorta get what your saying Blake.. I myself was having a little buyers remorse when I first bought the iPad.. I thought of returning it myself then I did a whole final paper for my marketing class on pages for the iPad and realized that this is probably the most convenient thing ever invented.. Just give it some time man.. And about the attention our getting on the bus.. Don't worry it'll pass.. As hard as it may be to believe.. There are still people out there who have never seen an iPad, once the honeymoon is over it'll be as common as an iphone
I picked up a 32GB 3G iPad this last Friday. As cool as it is, and as much as i love iBooks, I just don't find it practical. I've tried to justify keeping it but I can't, plus i feel like a douche whenever I bring it out in public.

Anyone else?
Let's see..................I've got 53.86$ in my pockets. Will that be enough to take it out of your way?:confused:
The ipads magical properties render it unnoticeable to the overly inquisitive among us. Either that or I'm not flashing it around enough to attract attention.
No buyer's remorse here. Have had it over a month now and cannot imagine ever giving it up.
Bought a car like that once, everywhere I went, folks stared.
Every time I got fuel, folks had to chat me up.
. . . but it was sure a cool car, and I did love driving it!

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