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What's the best Valentine's Day gift?


iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2012
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The Valentine's day is coming soon.I am looking for a good gift.
What's the best Valentine's Day gift?
Any ideas ?
What gift did you get last year?
My girls friend she always want a red rose for a gift.
But her boyfriend think flower is good but no use so he ask her out and have dinner.
The Rose VS Dinner
Actually many people around us are like him.
My mother said the flower is like a firework,just a few days life.
They can not last for long. she think buy flower is wast of money.
I am speechless .
U know what's nice ? A box of love heart chocolates or sweets.
I always pay extra attention to her mood, or what she's been hinting at.

Let's say she's been talking about how cold it is and she'd like a relaxing night at home..

I'd buy her a movie she really wants to see, fix her favorite dinner, clean the place up, and buy her some new comfy PJ's to relax in. Simple, but she'll really appreciate how much attention you've paid to her, and the extra effort you made to make her happy. :)!

Just my 2 cents... Lol.
Darkstar2007 said:
It seems like listening always gets you further than just buying some last minute random gift. Lol!

You are very wise for one so young :)

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Happy Valentine's day!
I think the best gift for me in this day is someone's proclamation.
However, I don't think it will come so easy.
Well I am hopping to get nothing because me and my boyfriend dumped each other .
And I don't want to be friends with him so If he gives me a valentines gift that means he wants to be friends and I don't ! So don't!
sanada said:
Well I am hopping to get nothing because me and my boyfriend dumped each other .
And I don't want to be friends with him so If he gives me a valentines gift that means he wants to be friends and I don't ! So don't!

Sorry to hear that. :(
If it makes you feel better, I'm alone this Valentines day as well!
Happy Valentines Day! My hubby is playing skittles tonight(old fashioned pub game similar to ten pin but uses 9 pins). Match game, can't be cancelled. I'll kill whoever decided Valentines night!!!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Darkstar2007 said:
Sorry to hear that. :(
If it makes you feel better, I'm alone this Valentines day as well!

Yeah! I rather be alone than be with I him !
I hope you all have a nice time tonight regardless. Happy Valentines Day! ♥ :)

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