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What is the real affect that the iPad will have on eReaders

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Even though much has been made of iBooks, it doesn't seem to be getting that much attention on the iPad. It seems that the app focus is more around media presentation and entertainment than reading.

With some eReaders being within $100.00 of the entry level iPad what advantage would a consumer have not to spend the $100.00 more for the iPad.

Will this drive the eReader price down significantly, say $99.00?

I can see a day when the major periodical publishers will give away a free eReader with 2 year subscriptions.
I know I gave my Kindle 2 to my daughter along with the books I've bought - then I'll sign up for the Kindle app for my iPad and be able to use the same books. I would bet that it turns more people on to e-books. Amazon really didn't make any money on their Kindle - $250 with free ATT service. They make money on books.
When the Kindle was introduced, our household bought two. In anticipation of the iPad, I've sold one and will consider selling the other if we're pleased with the app.
The only thing I know the Nook and Kindle having going for them now is the non-backlit screen. For some people it is easier on the eyes if you read a lot. For me, who is used to staring at a computer screen for hours on end, it doesn't really matter.
I have been reading on my laptop for weeks, and find it easy to read. No benefit to the Kindle for me.
The iPad replaces my Sony Reader. I had a chance to read with it for a few weeks before deciding to return the WiFi iPad in favor of waiting for 3G. I have to tell you it is hard to go back to the Sony. I agree that the E-Ink text is eye friendly when you are under bright light (especially sun light) but reading in bed or in not so well lit rooms is way better on the iPad. Also, I really like the larger size - I found myself considering landscape mode when I switched back. Don't get me wrong, once you get lost in the book it really does not matter what you are reading on - it is all about the book. The only downside I see with using the iPad for reading is that it is really easy to pick it up in bed with the intent of reading for a few minutes before going to sleep and end up surfing the net, playing a game, or stalking the app store and find that you stayed up way too late!

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I think most people that buy the ipad are not buying primarily for reading, those people will read occationally and some of those will become primarily ebook readers. The vast majority of books are purchased by a small group of people (I have heard 80% of books purchased by 10% of households - on average each person in the US spend $8 a year on books.)

So I think most heavy readers either don't like ebooks, or will gravitate to dedicated readers, at least for now.

I know lots of people claim LCD does not bother their eyes for long periods of time, and they are right. But about 20 percent of people are very affected by LCD. I saw a comparison where several journalist read full books on ipad and kindle. During they day they all liked kindle better after a full book. But at night there was a split between those that like the kindle with reading lamp and those that like the ipad.
My iphone replaced my kindle ever since the Kindle for iphone app came out last year. Now I'm mostly reading on ipad, and using iphone once in awhile to read on. ibooks is winning me over, except that Amazon still has a better selection and I have a lot of kindle books since I've had it for 2 years. Apple will need to vastly increase their content in the ibookstore if they really want to compete. The ibookstore's ebook formatting is often much better than Amazons kindle versions though.
I think e-readers will still serve a need, as long as, as the OP said the price drops dramatically. If you could pick up an e-reader for $100 then it would be worth using it as a reader...if it's $400 and iPad is $500 it's kinda pointless.
I think e-readers will still serve a need, as long as, as the OP said the price drops dramatically. If you could pick up an e-reader for $100 then it would be worth using it as a reader...if it's $400 and iPad is $500 it's kinda pointless.

That is my point, but I don't expect the eReader prices to drop, instead they will probably get added functionality like web surfing and email to try to help them compete.
I think e-readers will still serve a need, as long as, as the OP said the price drops dramatically. If you could pick up an e-reader for $100 then it would be worth using it as a reader...if it's $400 and iPad is $500 it's kinda pointless.

That is my point, but I don't expect the eReader prices to drop, instead they will probably get added functionality like web surfing and email to try to help them compete.

But the question is, will people really be enticed by web surfing and email on a black and white screen when color is such a huge part of the internet experience...since it is much more a visual medium than words based.

I seriously doubt it.

I saw a nook yesterday and it seemed right out of the 80's with it's black and white web browser and the separate controls for the screen.
But the question is, will people really be enticed by web surfing and email on a black and white screen when color is such a huge part of the internet experience...since it is much more a visual medium than words based.

I seriously doubt it.

I saw a nook yesterday and it seemed right out of the 80's with it's black and white web browser and the separate controls for the screen.

80's is pretty harsh, don't you think? Maybe a late 90's wanna be would be more like it. I am sure that they are going to start making these devices in color soon.
I have had a kindle for a long time and my ipad will not replace my kindle for a number of reasons. First the ipad is heavier than kindle and harder to hold while reading in bed. Second, i find reading on lcd more tiring on eyes. I do read sometimes on the ipad but continue to use kindle for most reading. With whispersync i can easily go back and forth from kindle to ipad and back to kindle. I also read alot outside and lcd bad in direct sunlight. I found the kindle and ipad to be complimentary rather than in competition. I also have a archos media player and the ipad almost replaces but not quite. For long vacation my archos will go with me as has 500 gb hard drive for movies.
I have had a kindle for a long time and my ipad will not replace my kindle for a number of reasons. First the ipad is heavier than kindle and harder to hold while reading in bed. Second, i find reading on lcd more tiring on eyes. I do read sometimes on the ipad but continue to use kindle for most reading. With whispersync i can easily go back and forth from kindle to ipad and back to kindle. I also read alot outside and lcd bad in direct sunlight. I found the kindle and ipad to be complimentary rather than in competition. I also have a archos media player and the ipad almost replaces but not quite. For long vacation my archos will go with me as has 500 gb hard drive for movies.

Don't you think that after a while people will get used to the larger heavier iPad form factor? I mean we are talking about only 1.5lbs. The point is the iPad is a full blown entertainment tablet that has eReader capabilities with and entry point of $495.00 why would anyone pay $395.00 for a plain old eReader?

Next question:
How many people actually read in bed and for those who do what age group are you in?

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