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The real reason why the Apple iPad will be a success


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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Those that are dubious of the iPad’s impending success (and I suspect that you are one of them, Baruch) are of course in danger or repeating history (qv iPod, iPhone). I have no intention of replicating all the arguments pro- and con the iPad, so I will limit myself to just one wholly original observation as to why I think the doubters once again are not getting it:

1. The iPhone was a success from the start, but it really became a ubiquitous device when it proved competent at a whole range of tasks beyond Apple’s original marketing copy. (It was just “a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device,” remember?) Now games rule on the iPhone, and as many parents will attest, the iPhone’s one true calling is as breakthrough child pacification device.

A similar role awaits the iPad. No, not for children; rather, look to the burgeoning end of the demographic curve: baby boomers.

I know many baby boomers who are intimidated by computers. Plenty are not, but a great many spend far too much time wrestling with viruses and drivers, wondering what a DLL is, and generally not knowing the difference between their RAM and a hard disk — all just so they can read emails and check their bank account online. Some boomers have sired offspring who gladly help them with remote tech support sessions, but many others have not, and suffer for it. The reason for all this misery is simple: Computers are still too complex for those not prepared to give them their undivided attention. That’s even the case for Macs.

Not so with the iPhone. I’ve seen that thing understood within minutes by 2 year-olds and 84 year-olds. It does one thing at a time. Your finger is the cursor. There is no need to tap things twice before stuff happens.

You are allowed to turn it off with the power button.
But the iPhone isn’t perfect for baby boomers. The screen and text are too small for aging eyes, the keyboard too cramped for confident typing, making it unusable for even basic office productivity tasks.
Enter the larger, faster iPad. It’s a complex computer simplified, which makes it a perfect fit to those whose remaining life is too short to spend it defragging drives. Add the keyboard dock, and the iPad is versatile enough to be a baby boomer’s only computer. The only thing it won’t let them do is videoconference with their grandchildren — which is an omission I hope they fix in next year’s version — but on the other hand, at $500 this much is forgiven.

My prediction: Within 2 years you will be reading articles describing how it was obvious — with hindsight — that the iPad would be a hit with aging baby boomers. But who needs hindsight when you have Ultimi Barbarorum?

{reposted from: http://ultimibarbarorum.com/2010/01/28/ipad-success/}
Computer literacy has been taught in schools for a while now. I would say that 98% of baby boomers can work a computer. The Tablet just comes up short imo. The thing about the tablet is that it's size alone will hinder it greatly. how is a guy supposed to carry this around? With a purse? I would wager that a good deal of ipad purchases are by women. Maybe you can fit one in a purse? I don't know. If you plan on a backpack then why not get a laptop that can actually multitask, have usbs, and do tons of stuff that the ipad can't? For around the same price or in a lot of cases cheaper.

This thing isn't that far off from the twitter peek.
I know many baby boomers who are intimidated by computers. Plenty are not, but a great many spend far too much time wrestling with viruses and drivers, wondering what a DLL is, and generally not knowing the difference between their RAM and a hard disk — all just so they can read emails and check their bank account online. Some boomers have sired offspring who gladly help them with remote tech support sessions, but many others have not, and suffer for it. The reason for all this misery is simple: Computers are still too complex for those not prepared to give them their undivided attention. That’s even the case for Macs.

.... who do you think researched, invented, developed, and marketed the instrument you're viewing and typing into now GENERATION X, hell no BOOMERS!
I am a 63 year old Boomer. There are lots of times when I have a few minutes to kill and I welcome an instant on device that will allow me to puruse whatever (games,news,reference,email,photos, etc.) The Ipad will fill that nitch. Aging eyes have a problem with your standard laptops, weather they are 15" or 5". I still use my laptop and I will keep my Iphone, but I certainlly will fine a use for the Ipad. As far as portability is concerned; we of the older generation men or women will fine a way to carry this item.
Computer literacy has been taught in schools for a while now. I would say that 98% of baby boomers can work a computer. The Tablet just comes up short imo. The thing about the tablet is that it's size alone will hinder it greatly. how is a guy supposed to carry this around? With a purse? I would wager that a good deal of ipad purchases are by women. Maybe you can fit one in a purse? I don't know. If you plan on a backpack then why not get a laptop that can actually multitask, have usbs, and do tons of stuff that the ipad can't? For around the same price or in a lot of cases cheaper.

This thing isn't that far off from the twitter peek.

But is it that much of a hassle to get a small bookbag for an iPad? You can go to walmart and get one for $10.
interesting, i never thought of it like that. and here i thought i knew the audience Apple was aiming at ;)
I agree, there is definitely a need (or want) for a product like this in the tech world. Welcome to the site!

I am a 63 year old Boomer. There are lots of times when I have a few minutes to kill and I welcome an instant on device that will allow me to puruse whatever (games,news,reference,email,photos, etc.) The Ipad will fill that nitch. Aging eyes have a problem with your standard laptops, weather they are 15" or 5". I still use my laptop and I will keep my Iphone, but I certainlly will fine a use for the Ipad. As far as portability is concerned; we of the older generation men or women will fine a way to carry this item.
It's obvious that all iPod Touch/iPhone users already know how to use it -- and they love the application flexibility that is provided by all three devices. The price is not out of sight, and you get a tremendous capability even with the cheapest model. I will buy the most expensive model -- $829, in order to get access to AT&Ts WiFi hotspots (i.e. Starbucks, etc.) for just $14.99/month with no contracts. The extra memory has been described as an optional solid state hard drive, which I don't yet know how I will use, but my bet is a need will certainly show up eventually. Since I buy only with cash, I am putting aside $250/month so that after the 90 day wait I can pay for the model i want along with needed accessories -- i.e. keyboard dock, case, camera accessory as announced, etc.
I am 55 and I agree, with those my age that are buying it. It is funny :) that we are putting away cash, so that we do not put it on the visa card. I asked for Apple gift cards for my birthday.

I imagine classrooms that will be using iPads.

There is no problem with the size. Things do not have to get smaller all the time.
I too am a Booming Senior Citizen of 64, and have been playing with computers since the '80's. I too am going to buy one ASAP, but am thinking more conservatively - the Smallest, probably without 3G. Because - I know that I will want to upgrade in a few years, and will not want to ditch my $900 version without a VERY Good reason. I'm hoping that $500 will be easier to replace. I'd like to hear some reasons for 3G, with all the Wi-Fi hotspots around.
I am not a baby boomer I am 47 but I think the ipad will be a success. I wan the 3G model because I don't always go to hot spots. I go camping a lot and at some of my campsites I have 3G and the ipad would be great to have at camp. Everything I have read so far on different sites from people complaing is that why get the ipad when you can get a lap top. I fel they are completely different. I look at the ipad as a better product than the Kindel or sony reader. It will be a lot easier to sit and read on the ipad than on my lap top. I guess what I am saying is that I see the ipad as a kindle on steroids.

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