Depends on the type of content you're interested in.
For news content, I would go with an rss/news reader and a web browser that has more features.
I like Flipboard, Newsify, andAtomic browser.
For media content, I would go with music and video apps.
I like iTunes, Hulu+, Netflix, and YouTube.
For graphics content, I would go with some advanced image editing apps.
I like Adobe Photoshop Touch.
For reading books, I would go with ebook apps.
I like Kindle, iBooks, and Adobe Reader.
For office work, I would go with a word processor, a presentation app, and a spreadsheet app.
I like the iWork apps (Keynote, Pages, Numbers).
For social connections, I would go with messaging/forum apps.
I like ebuddy pro, Twitter, Facebook, Meetup, and Tapatalk.
You might also think about file storage for things not covered by iCloud. I like Dropbox for this.
Or, you could go with all of the above. I have them all and I feel this is a near-replacement for a desktop computer.