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Survey: 1 in 5 plan on buying an iPad


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
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A survey I read in Computer World's web site says that 1 in 5 people are looking at buying an iPad, and that most of them are looking to do so within 6 months. This is big news that may have a huge impact on the Christmas techno sales.

The more the iPad gets around, the more people are finding great uses for it. Even my wife who is very conservative about technology, has shown interest in it. She is still using a G4 iBook and a 4 year old basic cell phone. Everyone that I have shown it to, is very interested in owning one.
Do you have a link to that article? I'd like to check it out.

There was also an article in another site that mention that the iPad is outselling all Macs combined, but is still not beating the iPhone sale. An expert has revised his estimate of iPad first year sales from 5 million to 8 million unit. The first quarter sale are expected to reach 2.5 million. MacWorld had an article that debated whether a sudden increase in Mac sales was related to the success of the iPad. Macs have taken several percentage points from Microsoft to get over 10% market share the last reporting period.
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