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Well this sucks...


iPF Noob
May 1, 2010
Reaction score
EDIT - No problems anymore. Worked on the 2nd try. One piece of advice is to unplug the iPad as soon as it reboots. When Spirit says it's done, go ahead and unplug the iPad. Before doing it the second time, I also told iTunes not to start automatically when the iPad is plugged in. So, all is well...


Oh yeah, what can go wrong with Spirit? Even an idiot can do it. Just push the button. Whatever...

I'm on Mac OSX. Pushed the button. Everything looks good. iPad shows the cool picture screen, there's a progress line going across, it reboots. Whoops, now iTunes opens, sees the device, starts to sync. "Backs up the iPad." Then I can't tell what's going on because my iPad is rebooting, iTunes is trying to back it up, and I don't know what to do.

Turns out iTunes hung, so did my iPad. Now I've got a mess. Spinning wheel on the iPad. I force quit iTunes, wait for a while, iPad is still hung. Hold the home button and the sleep button for 6 seconds, iPad reboots. Or sort of. Now I'm stuck at the black screen with the apple. Permanently. iPad is fubar.

What a *&^( mess. Can someone please post actual instructions about how to do this without leaving any steps out? Like maybe there are settings in iTunes that you should set first. Or whatever. Hell, I watched the youtube video. I'm not stupid. But this sucks.
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Restore the iPad using iTunes, then go through the spirit Jailbreak again, relax and be patient Spirit for the iPad is in "Beta" and I had to run it twice. The restore wont affect it or keep you from jailbreaking at all.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm working on the restore now. Nice to know there's a way out of this. I don't mind if there are a few bumps. It's just frustrating when everyone says it's so easy. I have a very vanilla mac setup. You'd think if it would work anywhere, it would work with me. But, no...
I wanna share my 3G wirelessly with my Eye-Fi camera card and my son's iTouch. That's really the only reason I'm doing this.
See the edit above. It worked second time. And I learned how easy a restore from iTunes is. Flawless.

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