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Hayles66 said:
Hot, hot, hot. Indian summer in UK. Perfect for the Paralympics. I would say that we have had the perfect year for it.

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Yes, I agree. It was fabulous at Shakespeare's globe and London Bridge.

Preparations are in hand for a free festival between Tower Bridge and London Bridge, all along the South side of the river, this weekend. :)

We are holding a family get together at home tomorrow afternoon. :)

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17°C and sunny in Regina, with no wind.
No clouds as well.

image-2755406356.jpgYou can just make out the moon near the top of the picture.
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Richard, I do envy you, your tour of London. I haven't seen anything since arriving here in November 1987.

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Hayles66 said:
Richard, I do envy you, your tour of London. I haven't seen anything since arriving here in November 1987.

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It was fun, Hayles. I enjoy working out itineraries and following them. This great weather does help :)

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AdmiralAdama said:
Thunderstorms - torrential downpours with 30-50
MM of rain possible in some areas of eastern Ontario and western Quebec.


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First a drought and now a flood. Do you have your hip waders ready?
At first I thought it was a distant relative of an armadillo.

By the way, the Canada Geese are on the move. That might not sound like a weather reference but, believe me, it is. :(

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KevinJS said:
At first I thought it was a distant relative of an armadillo.

By the way, the Canada Geese are on the move. That might not sound like a weather reference but, believe me, it is. :(

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I believe it. The bird migration hasn't started yet in the UK.

The heatwave continues, but will end round about Tuesday. I hope it stays dry tomorrow, as I will be accompanying my cousin around another golf course, in Beckenham Place.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

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