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Virus vulneralbility


iPF Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
Why are Apple not currently plagued by virus hackers? Will the bad guy eventually turn their attn to iPads?


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Apple took the decision to 'sandbox' the programs (apps) in the iPad. This means that apps have only a very limited ability to interact - and this interaction is *absolutely* controlled by the operating system (iOS). So if you tried to write a 'virus' program for the iPad it would have no effect, because it couldn't interact with any other program or the operating system.

That, inevitably, has other consequences and places restrictions on what programs can do. In Windows, for example, applications (programs) can interact and this can be very useful. So some (clever) programmers found a way to 'jail break' the iPad and remove this restriction (effectively 'jailbreaking' means your iPad can 'run' non-Apple approved apps from the Cydia website, where they make such non-approved apps available). They can now run 'unauthorised' apps on the iPad that 'take advantage' of the removal of this restriction. The downside - technically a 'jail broken' iPad could be vunerable to viruses.

But don't worry - a 'regular' (non jail broken) iPad is not vunerable to any 'viruses' that a deviant programmer might write to 'infect' a jail broken iPad. So your IT manager need have no worries - if your iPads are not 'jailbroken' they are absolutely safe from viruses.

Basically, if you accept the restrictions that Apple place on your iPad and don't jail break, you're completely safe - a virus cannot 'infect' you.

Additionally, any 'app' that a normal (non-jail broken) iPad can download will have been thoroughly checked and approved by Apple, so could not contain any malevolent code...

OK - I'll get 'hacked' by the iPad 'jail breakers' - sorry for the 'pun' but, basically, you're safe.

Apple have a number of 'white papers' and other documents on their web site that address this issue if you'd like the links...

Thanks Tim, we just bought our second IPad 2, our netbooks have been infected more than once by viruses.... Just the net books, desktop never has, but has a different virus defender on it.


Sent from my iPad using iPF
technically a 'jail broken' iPad could be vunerable to viruses.


Really? This is the first I have heard this.

Have a look here for some comments.....


PS - but I know nothing about JB

Well ~ I skimmed through a few posts, certainly not all 40 or so ~ and I didn't see anything about JB can cause viruses.

Did I miss it?:(
Developers whether be Apple app makers or Cydia app makers use the same Apple developers tools to make them. Therefore follow the same rules as applies to "Sandboxing" apps. Do Cydia apps cause instability problems, yes, especially when people don't pay attention to the iOS compatibility warnings. Do Apple apps cause instabilities, YES. Apps can interact with each other in many ways, so many ways that it is impossible for Apple or anyone else to test for all of the possible permutations that could happen with the hundred of thousands of apps out there. Developers/Programers aren't perfect, they make mistakes, whether iOS, app or hacker, they all do.

Have the bad guys turned their attention to iOS, yes, have they been successful, yes but, not so much, but they eventually will be successfull, at least till apple plugs their exploit. The PDF exploit that Apple just plugged with 4.3.4, was plugged in the jailbreak community before Apple plugged it. Interesting. Apple wages a small war with jailbreak community, but let us face facts, jailbreakers are Apples beta test program and it doesn't cost them a thing. Jailbreak developers develop new apps and spend weeks or months updating them and honing them, and if they are successful, Apple appropriates them and puts them into the latest iOS update. Other words, your are about as likely to have instabilities with Apple app as with jailbreak apps, but jailbreak developers usually respond quicker.

Forgive Tim, his mother must have told him when he was a little boy, that if he didn't behave the "hackers" would get him. He can't help being afraid of hackers.
Forgive Tim, his mother must have told him when he was a little boy, that if he didn't behave the "hackers" would get him. He can't help being afraid of hackers.

Yes - and the 'bogeymen' too... :(

I'm just naturally a nervous guy!!

Thanks for the explanation...much appreciated....

Now I've got to think of some other way to annoy Marie.....:D


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