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VIRAL problem


iPF Noob
Feb 16, 2012
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My email is sending out messages that clearly have a VIRUS link attached. I have changed my email password now. But I am curious if this came through IPAD. I hardly ever check email in computer. It has been quite a while in fact. I simply use computer to work. Is there VIRAL protection for IPAD? I am running virus scans on computer and plan to attack from that angle. But need to know more. I understand that it is the News Daily 7 virus.
Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

At the moment, there are no viruses in the wild that can infect the standard iPad (not sure about one that is jailbroken - mine is not); thus, there is no need for a malware program on the iPad to protect itself from these attacks.

However, an email message on the iPad may contain malware that could be passed on to a PC user - this is likely a rare issue but would be the only reason that one might want an app to check for malware in email messages that are to be sent to others using a Windows computer - will be interested in comments related to this latter question?

For myself, I have no AV/malware programs on my iPad; in fact, does any exist that indeed works for the reason above? ;)
My wife borrowed my iPad to check it out and the next time I "liked" an article on safari it showed up on her Facebook. I've made sure I'm the one signed in on Facebook but can't figure out what's wrong. It's still happening.
So what's this "jailbreak" stuff? I understand it is about deviating from the Apple apps, and that you have to do stuff to make it happen. I just don't know if I have done that? Would I know? The only things I've ever "downloaded" are from the ITUNES or whatever.

I'm just trying to figure out if the problem with my email originate from IPAD or from my home computer? I emailed people this afternoon, and there was nothing there. An hour later, people are saying that they are getting emails from me that have a VIRAL link. I haven't connected to the computer for email all week.

Without knowing what type of email service you are referring to and are subscribed to, no one can even guess at what your problem might be. The word "Viral" is really a reference to some completely different concept in today's Internet and the World Wide Web. "Virus" would be more correctly entitling what I think you are talking about. A more complete description of exactly what your issue is, is needed.

Look up "Jailbreaking" of iPads and iPhones on the net. You will find lots of information. Even here on this forum is a wealth of information about the proceedure (which certainly, in your case, is not the source of your problems).

Email scamming and malfeasance is a multi-faceted problem. One of the most common forms involves hijacking an individual's email/contact list. The unauthorized use of that list can be performed in a number of ways, depending to a large degree on what kind of email service you are using.
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I have hotmail...and I do think the problem was as you described...the one that attacks your contact list. I have changed passwords...and ran all my antivirus stuff. I'm just trying to figure where the problem originated. From what I read, I haven't done any of the "jail breaking" things, so I don't think that is the source. I know it is through my email, but can a trojan just attack email without corrupting any device. I'm sorry for the incorrect terminology, as I do not frequent such discussions forums. Therefore, my terminology is weak to say the least. But I will keep reading to determine my course of action. Just trying to poll the IPAD audience that includes people that are far more equipped at this stuff.
To the best of my understanding, Hotmail is very similar to Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and many other web-based mail services. Your mail, contacts lists, and other pertinent email related information is held on those mail services' servers. Acquisition of the contacts list (all that's needed to send mail to everyone on yours) could have been made from the Hotmail system, or perhaps you had contracted a virus or trojan that acted upon your computer to gain that list access. It could have been the result of an email that you sent to a list of folks which contained a clear copy of everyone's email address within each and every message that got sent.

There's a number of possibilities for that kind of email mischief. It has probably happened to most of us at one time or another, whether we were aware of it or not. Not fun to have to ponder or deal with. About the best thing you can do is as you have already done... change passwords. You could also change email accounts, but that's a pain. For the future, always remember to setup mass mailings or forwardings of things you get sent, so that all the recipients are made as BCC (blind carbon copy) and each recipient will only be able to see his or her own email address in the mail header.

I'm not an expert on any of this, but have been around enough to have some small insight into some of it. Good luck from here.

By the way, in the vernacular of today's Internet and Web, the term "Viral" generally refers to the wildfire-like gossipy spreading across the web of things like rumors, naked pictures which got leaked, videos that folks think the subjects wouldn't like others to see.... stuff like that. (busybodies)
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Thank you. Your response was helpful. Didn't know what BC's were for before; although, I seldom do mass emailings. I haven't found any virus, Trojan, or anything on my computer yet. I have run my antivirus several times and plan to continue.

My IPAD, however, is running slow in several areas, especially when it comes to my email. I have done the "reboot" thing, I think it is called (holding home key and button at top until it shuts down), I have cleared all programs from the bottom scroll that comes up when pushing home key twice or the four finger upward slide thing, and I "sync"ed to my computer...with much hesitation. But it still seems to be having trouble...mostly with the email buttons. Suggestions?
Hi dargue, I think you should really have started a new thread, but since you ask.... I presume you are checked into your Facebook app, but it sounds like it's your wife who's signed into Facebook through Safari. I suggest going into the settings app, clicking on "Safari" and then "Clear Cookies and Data", then trying again.

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