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View From Above


iPad Fan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Near the Ionian Nebula, still searching for Earth
From space the East Coast appears ablaze tonight. Is there a special event underway? ;)

I think humanity is gorging on high fat, high sodium consumables, watching a spectacle involving helmeted bipeds trampling over each other while trying to control the movement of an inflated piece of stitched leather.

According to my XO, the tactical advantage seems to be with the automobile and beer companies and, an aging entertainer desperate to remain relevant.

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That's perfect, Admiral!

Picture is pretty cool! Super Bowl nite-I'm sure tons of excitement out east that day and evening!
Incontrovertible proof that whether it's a battle over ideology, territory or market share, truth is the first casualty of war. :)


Actually, I think the quote is: "Incontrovertible proof that whether it's a battle over ideology, territory or market share, truth is the first casualty of the web."
Very funny humans but soon that will be London and the Olympics this year in good ole UK.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Clipish pro app. Loads of avatars on there. Do you have the iPad forum app. You can change the avatar with ease on there. The app has a stupid title though. Discussion forum about pads or something like that. Why the developers didn't just call it ipadforum and leave it at that, I don't know.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

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