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Videos on iPad


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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Ow do I download (offload) my movies on my iPad to my computer?
Where are the movies on your iPad currently? In other words, which app are they in? How did they get there?
I purchased from iTunes but they take up a lot of space on my iPad. I thought I could download them to my computer but don't know how.
I would expect they automatically sync to iTunes when connected and synced. Then, if you no longer wanted them on the iPad, you would just uncheck them from the list in iTunes under Movies and Sync.
I would expect they automatically sync to iTunes when connected and synced. Then, if you no longer wanted them on the iPad, you would just uncheck them from the list in iTunes under Movies and Sync.
Thank you for responding. That doesn't get the movies to my computer. Do I have to then download from iTunes to my computer?

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