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Very Interesting, but weird


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
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A report out is saying that Google makes more money (4X) on iPhone/iPad than on Android. Plus, the more people move to mobile devices, the more money Google loses because of how many ways they earn from computers. The story is that if Apple does drop Google maps for their own mapping program, Google will be hurting. There was also discussion of the dissatisfaction the makers of Android devices have concerning the offerings from Google in their app store and music store.

I do not like Google, so I am not exactly heart broken at this gloom and doom. However, it is a fact that without competition, there will not be incentive for Apple to innovate. RIM is history, and Palm is past gone after HP blew it. So unless Microsoft comes up with a winner with their new OS, Google had better get back down to reality.
I saw that too. Very interesting. I can see it though. All my past devices have been android but I felt I never used them to their full potential as it was at times a chore. Now I use my iPad and iPhone for everything including google services. Android was a fun operating system when you are looking to tinker but for daily use iOS is easier. I agree with you about competition, it only drives apple more to create better devices. It is a shame blackberry did nothing to help their situation over the past few years and especially now since RIM is essentially giving up on trying to market to the general population and focus on business again. They will be gone or sold in the next couple years.
It's an incorrect report done by a news site without checking their math (that never happens on the internet!!!!!!!). They've come to incorrect conclusions because of this. (that also never happens on the internet!!!!!!) There's an article on MarketingLand (I won't link it) about it. Basically, the $2.8million thought to be Android revenue by the wrong news site, is not. It's the worth of the patents to Oracle. Google is not hurting. Competition is still strong.
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For every dollar spent at the Apple app store, the Amazon app store sell $0.89 worth of Android apps. The Google store only sells $0.23 worth of Android apps. I have no way of knowing the truth of any analysis by people called experts. There are too many of them, and very varied rationales.
I don't know how those numbers could be used to accurately compare droid and iOS though because there are so many places droid apps can be bought vs the ios's one
I got burned to the tune of $300 trusting that google would produce some good tech. Think google tv via Logitech revue. I don't think google knows how to make a consumer level product.

Let's not talk about the pile of crappy tablets they have allowed to get on the market. Just piles of doo.

Let's not talk about the many crappy versions of their OS....

They remind me of Microsoft and intell back in the old days of windows pcs....Just a crappy experience but we got by because it was just bearly good enough...

As for competition.....MS will eventually deliver.... And friggin google will keep trying....by the time andriod gets to version 7 it will finally be decent....just like windows.
I think the greater issue is the trend in consumers. It used to be that computers and tech devices were the domain of technophobes who were willing to fiddle with devices. Now it is more an issue of pleasing a general public that does not want to mess with tweaking for better performance. Fifty years ago, a lot of people loved working on their sports cars. If you bought a ponycar or other sports car, you were expected to be able to do your own maintenance. Now, a large number of the sports/pony cars are own by little girls and boys that would not know what a spark plug is, let alone know how to change one. They put more thought into the car's color than the drivetrain. Cars today are faster, get better mileage, and last a lot longer. They have more features and more conveniences. They are also much safer.

We are into that concept with computing devices. It may be an insult to old schoolers who want the full experience, but for most users, it needs to just work without effort. Google does not make things easier. Every manufacturer that uses android, has different setups. Little consolidation or foresight is evident in Android. With iOS, there was one program that progressed with improvements. Android comes out with a different program, and often the new one requires a new device. Google has to deal with these shortcomings t be a true contender.

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